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Sunday, May 06, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Handicapped Parking At Its Finest

Salisbury drivers at it again, as seen this weekend at Tractor Supply. No handicapped tag or placard.


  1. So that would be four tickets for that person?? Why the hell didn’t anyone call the police?

    1. 1) you would be the one on the next post screaming why the police are writing parking tickets and not out on the streets fighting crime.
      2) maybe this person was told to " pull up front and we will load that for you "

  2. This is the worse case of whatever I've ever seen. There is plenty of space to park that junk around the store, front and side. If the inconsiderate driver thinks it's okay to pull there to pick up something, the driver is wrong and should be cited. The driver should be exposed and placed on the downtown plaza (finally make use of the dead space) and ridiculed in public.

    1. So I guess you have never seen people parked in the fire lane at Lowes or Home Depot while waiting for their newly purchased major appliance to be brought out and loaded.
      What happened 5 minutes after this photo was taken ? Did he get loaded up with major equipment that needed the use of a forklift ?

  3. Obviously mentally handicapped. There should be a special placard for that.

    1. There is. Can we have it back when you’re done using it?

  4. Obviously there for a large purchase (large trailer, duh) and he was parked where they could pick up their large purchase from the gated, fenced in area to the rear of the trailer. Its exactly where I would have parked that rig, if the space was available. There was not a parking space in that lot for both his truck and that trailer. You know, I see nothing wrong, just a busy-body that is out to try and judge everything anyone else does, for their own ego (or lack thereof) driven pleasure.

    1. And if he would have backed up to the gate,somebody would be complaining that the truck was sticking out in the middle of the parking lot and couldn't drive around it.

    2. (b) Restricted use.- A person may not park a motor vehicle in a space designated for the use of individuals with disabilities unless:

      (1) The vehicle bears a special registration plate, a removable windshield placard, or a temporary removable windshield placard issued by the Administration under § 13-616, § 13-616.1, or § 13-616.2 of this article or similarly by another state, the District of Columbia, or another country; and

      (2) The person is authorized to use the privileges conferred by the special registration plate, removable windshield placard, or temporary placard under § 13-616, § 13-616.1, or § 13-616.2 of this article, or under the laws of another state, the District of Columbia, or another country.

  5. Those two first commenters are sure some kind of self-righteous protesters. Really, do you just sit around and wait for something that didn't have any effect on your life, just so you could have something to criticize someone else over? You both should see someone over your own self esteem issues.

    1. Maybe they are tired of people who think rules don’t apply to them. Ever think of that while sitting in your parents basement?

  6. He is a golfer and has a 6 handicap. So anybody else have an issue they want solved?

  7. That's just like someone parking at the curb or fire zone and doing their business . that guy should have parked somewhere else.

  8. What's not in the photo are the large items that the truck and trailer are there to pick up.

  9. Clear handicap tag in window of the grandfathers truck. He bought several large items from the store. Workers and grandkids loaded it. No other handicap people needed to spot during the short time the older gentlemen used the spot..

  10. Walmart should BOOT the vehicles and charge $75 release fee it's THERE PROPERTY.

    1. And “There” citations should be grammatically incorrect too.

  11. 11:08
    Sorry that is not Walmart Property. That is in front of Tractor Supply. What Walmart do you know that has any parking directly in front of the building?

    1. All Walmart parking lots are in front of their buildings.

  12. You can park a big rig anywhere around that place. No excuse for this act. If the "large item" can be placed on the trailer there it can also be placed in another area in front of their trailers for sale. H/C signs are for a reason. I have a placard because I have difficulty using my legs. I always leave those spaces for others that may need it more. I park in any space as close as possible.

  13. If they were buying a large item or large quantity then it would have been loaded with a fork lift that could take it on the side where there is plenty of space. No excuse, This is another reason all drivers of trailers should have to pass a driving test and get a class license. These are the ones who does not know proper protocol and create accidents. There is no difference than MVA told me I needed a "B" learners permit, driving test etc. to get to get School Bus endorsement when I have a class "A" with endorsements.


  14. Nobody hauls an empty trailer around if they can help it.

    So let's assume the driver is there to pick up a purchase that requires a trailer to get it home. The purchaser did not design the store or it's fenced area. An earlier comment asserted the tow vehicle had a Handicap authorization; couldn't magnify the image to prove/disprove.

    Another factor is that the layout of their parking lot might be a tight squeeze for making a turn at the end of the parking rows.

    Unless they were there an extended time it's just snowflakery with nothing better to complain about.

  15. But he's towing a trailer so that gives him privileges.

    To Freaking lazy to park on the street and walk.

  16. Does he have the trailer tagged in Maine? Like a lot of fools do around here? Circumventing Maryland laws. Something needs to be done about that.

  17. To 9:56 Poster that said; 'Does he have the trailer tagged in Maine . . . something needs to be done about that'

    My response: Yep. . . like all of Maryland's politicians, they invoke such cumbersome business regulations at virtually every level of government that private citizens have no other alternative than to register their vehicles in another state. In case you haven't noticed, even Perdue Farms tags the vast majority of their trailers in Maine.

    I shutter every time our Maryland legislature convenes a new session. They damage the Maryland legislature does to our economy is irreparable. And the businesses exodus numbers bares testimony to this observation.

  18. nobody hauls a trailer around like that unless they are picking something up. give the guy the benefit of the doubt that he was parked there for a pick up. Thats the only logical answer here. Be nice...


    May 7, 2018 @ 2:40 AM

    It's 2:40 AM and Station 1 and Paramedic 1 is being dispatched for a shooting at 218 Hall Drive. Reported that SPD is on the scene and the scene is secure

    Paramedic 1 advises Responding at 2:41 AM

    Truck 2 advises Responding at 2:43 AM

    Central tells Paramedic A-1 to Contact the office public service please(don't know what the secret is that they can't say it over the air.)

    Another shooting in Salisbury. I guess Jake Day is going to have this one classified as an "Assault" again. Can't have the Foke Festivus Peoples find out that Salisbury is the most crime-ridden small town in the Country.

    Paramedic 1 advises on location at 2:47 AM.

    Truck 1 advises on location 121 A has command at 2:47 AM

    Took them long enough to get there and Paramedic 1 had a 2-minute jump on the Truck with the sleepy head Firemen. What's up with that?

    Hall Drive Command advises to Central under Control. Central advise PRMC that we have a 6-year-old trauma Priority 1 @ 2:56 AM. Sounds like he said 6 year old? WTH is up with a 6-year-old getting shot?

    Paramedic A-1 advises Transporting and upgrading staffing to 4 at 3:00 AM. Thirteen minutes on scene with a shooting is extremely way too long. If they have 4 people in that ambulance there is no reason that one person could drive and the other 3 work on the patient. They aren't doing surgery so there isn't any reason this wasn't a Load and Go scenario. That is basic trauma life support. Stay and play isn't an option when you have a shooting, especially if it is a 6-year-old. The only treatment required is a backboard, oxygen, IV, and attach to the heart monitor. Why couldn't they do that en route to the hospital and allow that patient to have at least 5 more minutes for real doctors to save the patients life?

    Hall Drive Command advises Truck 1 is en route to the hospital unavailable at 3:02 AM

    Paramedic A-1 advises they are arriving at PRMC at 3:05 AM. That was a 5 minute ETA to the hospital.

    Truck 1 advises they are arriving at PRMC at 3:05 AM. That was a 3 minute ETA to the hospital.

    Paramedic 1 gets to the hospital in 5 minutes and Truck 1 gets there in 3 minutes?? WTH is up with that?? Truck 1 is supposed to drive to the hospital without lights and siren and follow all rules of the road. Paramedic 1 is required to respond to the hospital with lights and siren because it is a priority 1 patient and it takes them 5 minutes and Truck 1 gets to the hospital in 3 minutes and they should have been driving the speed limit?? Those are the facts, ladies and gentleman. I am working at another station and wide awake and documenting this call. Something is wrong with this picture!!

    This is why Salisbury needs another Fire Chief that has real EMS experience. Maybe it's time to hire outside the department again!


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