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Monday, May 28, 2018

McCain Admits Iraq War Was A Mistake

Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona admitted Friday that the Iraq War was a mistake.

“The principal reason for invading Iraq, that Saddam had WMD, was wrong,” McCain wrote in his new book. “The war, with its cost in lives and treasure and security, can’t be judged as anything other than a mistake, a very serious one, and I have to accept my share of the blame for it.”

McCain was one of the biggest supporters of the initial surge into Iraq in 2003 and was actually one of the first Republicans to get behind it. The Arizona senator has previously stated that his support for the Iraq War rested with his experience during Vietnam, where he was captured as a prisoner of war. McCain believes America could have won.



  1. Songbird mccain tells all!! Just like back in nam!

  2. Looking for some level of self respect at the end of life.
    I understand it.

    However, it was a criminal war built on lies to the world at the UN by Mr. Powell and company.
    This neocon criminal element in the US Government should be routed out and exposed for its war crimes along with Mossad and CIA. Israel is behind this element and it too should be exposed publicly as the war mongering nation that it is.

  3. So was Hillary,Joe Biden and lot of Dems and Republicans.

  4. McCain didn't help win Vietnam war that is for sure.

  5. Y'all voted for him in 2008 and now bad mouthing him. SMH.

  6. He needs to be badmouthed, like 7:48 stated, "songbird McCain"...nuff said.

  7. They found WMDs just not yellow cake...but that was Clinton s intel report.


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