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Monday, May 28, 2018

New Push to Topple Obamacare Looms

A group of Republicans and advocacy groups will soon release a proposal intended to spark another push to repeal the Affordable Care Act, resurrecting a potentially volatile issue in the months before the November midterm elections.

The proposal to topple the Obama-era health law and replace it with a plan that would give states more control over health policy is the result of eight months of behind-the-scenes work by a coalition of conservative groups.

It reflects the frustration that many GOP lawmakers feel over last year’s failed effort to overturn the ACA, and the challenge Republicans now face in framing a campaign message around health care. GOP candidates promised to repeal the ACA starting with its passage in 2010, but even with Republican control of Washington repeal fell short in the Senate.

A group of think tanks—including policy experts from the Heritage Foundation, American Enterprise Institute, Galen Institute and Manhattan Institute—plan to release a proposal in June.


1 comment:

  1. Hope somebody does something soon. Mine just went up again!


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