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Monday, May 28, 2018

Vice President Pence Tells Pastors: 'Share The Gospel!'

In a last-second surprise appearance before a pastors conference in Washington DC, Vice President Mike Pence outlined how the Trump administration has championed causes important to the evangelical community and implored them to continue to, "share the good news of Jesus Christ.”

“Other than the service of those who wear the uniform of the United States especially our cherished fallen, the ministries that you lead and the prayers that you pray are the greatest consequence in the life of the nation,” the vice-president told those attending the 2018 Watchman on the Wall conference sponsored by the Family Research Council.

“Keep preaching the good news. Keep preaching in season and out of season as the Bible says. Always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that you have," he continued.

At one point, Pence shared his Christian testimony, a life-changing moment that came at a Christian music conference in Wilmore, Kentucky back in 1978 at the end of his freshman year in college.

“Forty years ago this spring, I literally walked down and gave my life to Jesus Christ and so I just want you to continue to share the gospel, share that life-changing message," he shared.

As their website states, the Watchman on the Wall conference, hosted by the Family Research Council has a spiritual mission which is the belief that the problems facing America, “ultimately require a spiritual solution administered by spiritual leadership. That is why we are championing pastors to transform America.


1 comment:

  1. The Johnson Amendment has almost never been enforced anyway. Repealing it is a terrible idea.

    It will put religious leaders in bed with politicians, and that never has good outcomes.


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