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Sunday, May 06, 2018

Boy Scouts Will Change Program Name to ‘Scouts BSA’

Boy Scouts of America announced on Wednesday it will be changing the name of its flagship program, the Boy Scouts, to ‘Scouts BSA.'

The name change announcement comes after the 108 year old organization unveiled in October 2017 that it would allow girls to join, the Associated Press reports.

"We wanted to land on something that evokes the past but also conveys the inclusive nature of the program going forward," Chief Scout Executive Mike Surbaugh said about the new changes. "We’re trying to find the right way to say we’re here for both young men and young women."



  1. Bull $hit Anyways

  2. Unreal Will the girl scouts allow boys ? Is Obama still president ??

  3. Truly is a shame

  4. So now the Boys can go join the Girl Scouts.
    Lets see what happens the 1st time a boy or girl gets frisky with
    each other during a camping trip.
    This country is getting more and more ridicules.

  5. I am so flippin' sick and tired of the political correctness going on in this country.
    You have grown men kneeling for our national anthem. Girls joining boy scouts.
    Why don't we just cut off our testicles at birth to make us all equal earlier, for God's sake.
    This is just getting even more stupid.

  6. Completely absurd.

    1. Liberals just pushed back on Republicans.


  7. Next up: Merit Badge for knitting pink caps.

  8. I kno right. WTF is next? Are they going tp let college boy and girls live in the same dorms on the same floors or even in the same quads? This could lead to young women allowed in the military or even the Marines.
    Do you realize how backwards and ignorant you sound?

    1. "Are they going tp let college boy and girls live in the same dorms on the same floors or even in the same quads?"

      Lol lots of colleges have been doing this for years where have you been? I graduated from University of Delaware in 2002 and girls lived on my floor both freshman and sophomore years.

  9. HAHAHAHAHA 5:40, Pussy Hats

    Truly a travesty.

    Boy Scouts of America is Dead!

  10. Is On still President?

  11. You (we) are supposed to be sick and tired of this BS.
    That is the whole point.
    We are being mind controlled.

  12. Over night camping trips should be fun now....

  13. Should call themselves Shim Scouts!.

  14. Zorrow,
    You make a good point!
    This may just backfire on the elite social engineers.

    Nature may take its course (over the mind control programming). Boys and girls might just become attracted to each other and heterosexuality could become the norm!

  15. I am an Eagle Scout. Being involved in scouting was the greatest thing I did in my childhood. I had opportunities to do things and learn things I never would have had without scouting.
    My little sister wanted so badly to participate with me in camping trips and activities. On quite a few occasions she and some other sisters were able to. The girls stayed in their own tents, there was always plenty of adult supervision. My sister was so dedicated I'm sure she would have made Eagle as well if she could have officially participated.
    My first child is due at the end of September. I was hoping for a boy because I wanted him to have the same amazing experiences that I had with scouting. I found out yesterday I will have a girl. I am thrilled to learn that if she is interested she will be able to fully participate in this incredible organization.
    I understand how many of you feel. However this is not like a girl trying to play football or a boy trying to get on the field hockey team. The skills taught in scouting can benefit everyone. For those of you so upset with BSA about this decision, I hope you would reconsider your opinion.

    1. 933 the GOLD AWARD in girl scouts is recognized by college and military the girl gets college scholarship and SKIPS RANK in the military. If you were among the 4 percent you would understand how condescending your statement is .GOLD AWARD is more recognized,harder to achieve and obviously teaches mastering your emotions. You should be stripped of any rank for your bigot comment

    2. To all those jumping down my throat over my comment. I never put down Girl Scouts, never mentioned the Gold award and never compared the Boy Scout experience to Girl Scouts. If you want a comparison of what is offered do a simple Google search. It may show you why 3,500 girls have just joined since the announcement. Also don't blame BSA for a decision that was basically forced on them by lawsuits.
      9:05 Never even heard of the Gold Award until you mentioned it. 2% of Boy Scouts reach Eagle. Guess you are ok with the Military, which used to be all male, accepting your Girl Scout.
      4:52 I was in a group of 12 kids with very involved parents. We wanted a more active and adventurous group than the norm and we started our own troop. Wish you good luck with your new organization.
      6:43 You Post-Concussion Syndrome is showing
      12:12 I never made any of the statements you seem to credit me with in your first 3 sentences. You go on to blame the Boy Scouts for not "marketing Girl Scouts, improving funding and getting the amazing achievements girls and women have accomplished". Maybe you should be writing to the Girl Scouts and asking for their outreach to extend beyond cookie sales season. Like you said though, I "don't no anything." #getgrammar

  16. No big deal just opportunity to start a new organization.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Is On still President?

    May 3, 2018 at 7:10 PM


  18. Anonymous David Gaudette said...
    I am an Eagle Scout. Being involved in scouting was the greatest thing I did in my childhood. I had opportunities to do things and learn things I never would have had without scouting.
    My little sister wanted so badly to participate with me in camping trips and activities. On quite a few occasions she and some other sisters were able to. The girls stayed in their own tents, there was always plenty of adult supervision. My sister was so dedicated I'm sure she would have made Eagle as well if she could have officially participated.
    My first child is due at the end of September. I was hoping for a boy because I wanted him to have the same amazing experiences that I had with scouting. I found out yesterday I will have a girl. I am thrilled to learn that if she is interested she will be able to fully participate in this incredible organization.
    I understand how many of you feel. However this is not like a girl trying to play football or a boy trying to get on the field hockey team. The skills taught in scouting can benefit everyone. For those of you so upset with BSA about this decision, I hope you would reconsider your opinion.

    May 3, 2018 at 9:33 PM

    I've got a feeling this clown is a Candy A$$!! If he is not gay, I bet he would hold one till someone got there who was.

    "The skills taught in scouting can benefit everyone." Yes, and that is why they have Girl Scouts for girl..... You Dumb Idiot!

  19. I've noticed over the years that the boys that were in Boy Scouts all those years to gain Eagle Scouts where the Pansies that couldn't play sports.

    Damn Sissies like David Gaudette.

  20. 8:18 Guessing U of D didn't teach you what sarcasm is. Wow, just wow. I'd get a refund if I were you.

  21. 9:33 You can't fix stupid. No sense in even explaining it to the backwards woods dwelling inbreds.

  22. @933 Boy Scouts are better because they are boys even to the point Men decide they girls will be allowed? Gold Award means nothing compared to Eagle Scout? Boy Scouts have more camping trips because they are better?... Forget marketing Girl Scouts, improving funding and getting the amazing achievements girls and women have accomplished because of what they learned in Girl Scouts, nah let's just put them down and ALLOW them to join Boyscouts.. I have to agree with other comments your a complete and total bigot. I don't think you realize how terrible your comment is. honestly I feel like you don't no anything about Girl Scouts! #getwoke

  23. What's just as funny is the Libtard idiots can't figure out that BSA still means Boy Scouts of America.

    "Boy Scouts Will Change Program Name to ‘Scouts BSA’"


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