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Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Synthetic pot cases spike in Illinois, officials warn users may experience 'bleeding from eyes and ears'

Emergency rooms in Illinois are noticing a spike in synthetic pot users suffering from "severe bleeding," and state health officials are warning the public to remain vigilant.

The Illinois Department of Health (IDPH) issued a statement on Wednesday announcing that at least six people in northeastern Illinois had been hospitalized after using the man-made substance -- also known as "fake weed," "K2" or "spice." On Saturday, the number of cases climbed to 38, including one death, the health department reported.



  1. It's as much "fake pot" as wood alcohol is fake bourbon. There's nothing in it that remotely approaches the chemistry of marijuana. It's poison sold to unsuspecting idiots.

  2. 905
    Thank you.
    My thought exactly.

    It has "nothing to do with pot".
    If is NOT marijuana.

    It is a chemical.

    Marijuana is a PLANT made by nature / God.
    It is not processed (like Poppies, or Cocoa).
    It is simply dried and smoked.

  3. 9:05 + 11:01 exactly right.


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