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Wednesday, April 04, 2018

A Teacher In Texas


  1. Get a job at a private school that doesn't have to put up with unruly students and parents.Thay also don't have to put up with that PC BS.Please keep teaching your country needs you.

  2. Public Schools are the pits. Liberal Indoctrination Stations is all they are...

  3. Go to a private school.

  4. Couple of things
    If you go to her FB page she admits having issues with parents no matter the grade she teaches.
    She is correct in her characterization of rudeness coming from all sides.
    Sometimes your chosen professions isn't what you thought it was going to be and you move on.
    I didn't write a blog when I worked of a hostile harassing lawbreaking environment here - I celebrated the day I left that shithole

  5. Federal/State/local governments need teachers too! Descriptive terms used are facilitators, curriculum administrators or instructors rather than teacher.

    Good income, year round work and NO angry parents to encounter. If students (employees) get out of line - you send them home/out of the classroom environment and their supervisor will deal with them.

  6. 9:33 - Good comment and I agree with your solution. But there is till a major issue with the trend with kids and parents with no respect and it needs to be dealt with or we are going to have even bigger problems. The cultural shift is a major concern and we are not taking it as serious as we should.

  7. 1030
    Who are "WE" in your comment?

    You and 933?

    Your family?

    Who are you talking about?

    "We are going to have bigger problems" . . .


  8. Unfortunately, This appears to be the future.. I have yet to find any
    young person with any amount of respect for adults, or administration
    There may be a few, but so far in between that their efforts are very often
    not noticed or, in many cases disregarded as being "different"


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