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Wednesday, April 04, 2018

From The Daily Times: Today is National Hug a Newsperson Day!

Hug it Out!
In honor of National Hug a Newsperson Day, we could hug it out, but we’d rather show our appreciation to you with a special subscription offer.

Oh Bite Me!


  1. Too funny. Big hugs to you anyway, lol.

  2. I was in McDonalds the other day and they had the daily times there so I picked it up and read it. That is about as nothing a paper as I have ever seen.

  3. 8:30 a.m.: sat down with coffee and the Daily Times.
    8:36 a.m. : drank the rest of my coffee.

  4. the daily times is only good for lining bird cage or a cat box. its only good for catching the crap.

  5. 9:08 That about says it all. I look to see if I died and check local sports. I don't even have time to enjoy my morning dump.
    BTW, Joe, on Tuesday.... yes, Tuesday they put the murder story on the front page like it was a breaking story. The same one you posted on Easter Sunday.
    Which means no reporters or the editor was working this weekend.

  6. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - no

  7. Yeah...?
    Touch me and I’ll kill ya!


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