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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Salisbury Maryland Mayor & Council Want To Raise Your Water Rates By 8%

At tonight's city council meeting your Mayor and Council will propose an 8% increase in your water rates. As Liberals always do, they'll introduce the rate increase at 8% only to settle at a lower increase rate in the hopes you'll come back saying, it could've been worse. 

Look, that plant/facility cost you over $140,000,000.00 and it was only a matter of time before you start feeling the pain of THREE Mayors mistakes. The increase will help pay for the WWTP.

It was SBYNews.com who broke the illegal activity at the WWTP as well as the exposure of the unproven system Mayor Barrie Tilghman agreed to subject you to. Two Mayors later citizens watched these elected officials cover up the truth behind this massive screw up and what it will ultimately cost taxpayers. 
Remember Ladies & Gentlemen, Jake Day is raping the rainy day funds, (your savings account) in the millions and this is just the beginning of how they'll continue to use excuses to raise your taxes and fees, just like Jim Ireton's Rain Tax. You just keep electing kids to do a man's job. 


  1. He is Forest Gump stupid. Worse even!
    Jake has sealed the coffin for SALISBURY in this catch 22 spiral. . Of course they want to raise taxes, they’ve been driving tax paying families, (earners and property owners) out of town for years causing the reduced revenue problems. They have to raise taxes on the remaining infrastructure users just to decrease the loss. I for one will not tolerate any more. Looks like the move is in the future. I should have read the writing on the wall as several good friends have recently moved out of state.

    1. Ummm.....Forest Gump was extremely smart!!

  2. Those Douche Bag Morons have raised the water and/or sewer rates every year in the last 20 years. Vote every damn one of them out this coming election!

  3. They’ve been raising the sewer rates for years. Now they’re just raping us and another hole.

  4. That's why I moved out of the city

  5. Awww quit your whining. Trump just gave you an extra $800 in tax savings. Besides, your property values are so low, you RE taxes are pretty cheap compared to places with real jobs and rising home prices.

  6. Typical tax and spend Liberal... Salisbury is following the same course of Baltimore Chicago and Detroit...The snowflake politicians killing the city...Watch his bank account they are all crooks.

  7. So thankful I was able to cut all ties to Salisbury's demise. Like his IDOL O'BAMA Day will have to continue to rob Peter to pay Paul. Like the rest of this countries PONZIE schemes it will eventually be exposed and Day will have to answer. There is absolutely not enough revenue coming in to the CITY to sustain Day's immature spending habits

  8. The problem you have now Salisbury is no one wants to represent the shithole of a city after the last three mayors catering to Cannon, Gilliss, and the newest douche veteran builders. There's no way to resuscitate the area with actual growth not these bogus "statistics" Day pulls out of thin air

  9. Trying to keep up with Fruitland...Home of the highest water/sewer rates in the area. I had a rental property that averaged $100/month.

    1. I wasn't home for 5 months but my Fruitland water bill was 179.
      There is a flat fee no matter how much water you use.

  10. Jake Day I'm sorry to burst your bubble but like most of America today the people that tell you what you WANT to hear are as fake as you are. There are still a large % of people that aren't into giving handouts to everyone that wants to continue to cry victim

  11. OMG, this fool is making it absolutely impossible to live in the city. For your information fool, this IS NOT the way to attract citizens to Salisbury, rather you are driving them away like crazy.

  12. This is so Day can get hosed by some con artists again. Let's see this stupid festival, the crime thing, free wifi, the bike fiasco to name a few oh forgot headquarters live. He's so incredibly backwards unsophisticated and low information typical of many who never get off the shore falling for the snake oil. He's such a loser.

  13. Nobody with any sense, money or education is coming to Salisbury. The only attractions for civilized people are SU, PRMC and Perdue. The people that come here for those jobs don't buy in Salisbury.

  14. I hope April has something to say about this! So few African Americans even OWN homes in Salisbury anymore and this makes it harder for them to hold on to the homes. But of course this is Day's plan. He wants the lower fixed incomes to be forced to sell out to the landlords. Don't let Day fool you. He is a POS and April you better stand up for your district!

  15. Lol the people that voted for him DESERVE IT LOLOLOLOL.make it 25%

  16. I realize rental cost goes up when any fee in the city goes up - but the Bill for the Fee for Service goes to the Landlord, not the renter. I would think landlords would be most concerned, as a landlord will have empty spaces when renters can no longer afford yearly additions in cost for Services.

  17. We're still reeling from the major FU that put us here in the first place, courtesy of Barrie Tilghman (ex-mayor), John Jacobs (ex-DPW head), $1 million liability clause city attorney Paul Wilber, and council buffoons Lynn Cathcart, Gary Comegys, Mike "I'm the President" Dunn and Shanie "I'm running for county council now" Shields.
    Their stupidity (and very possibly corruption), put a less than worthless waste water treatment system in at the cost of $85 million.
    After it was found that it didn't work and that the city had been sold a bill of goods by the contractors, and that it would cost the city another $80 million to replace it, those bozos were nowhere to be seen, except for Wilber, who sucked in even more money in the litigation against the companies who built the thing. In the end, the lawsuits brought in about $14 million, but the city's lawyers, including Wilber, took an astounding 40% of it.
    Through all of those years since about 2004, the Maryland Department of the Environment has been quietly fining the city on a regular basis for spills, leaks and failure to meet standards.

    And who pays for the huge "mistakes"? City taxpayers.

  18. Failed architect.
    Failed urban planner.
    Failed mayor.
    Failed Perdue employee.

    Hell of a resume, jakey!

  19. 9:07 almost all the rentals in Sby esp single family homes are government subsidized. So ultimately the tax payers are not only paying a higher water bill they are also paying for most landlord's increases.

    1. That goes for heat - electric and gas.

  20. Dear Jake,

    If you're going to increase my water fee, could you please not have it taste like pool water? Every time it rains around here, the water reeks of chlorine- which I assume they add to compensate of the crappy wastewater treatment plant. Does anyone else notice this?

  21. The best part of the whole city of Salisbury fiasco is Jake Day actually thinks the people he's helping rob the taxpayers blind like him. Jake Day I ask you show me ONE safe, clean housing development left within Salisbury's city limits

  22. It's a game old as time. Announce a rate increase double what you want and when the dust settles you get what you actually want. Jake the boy wonder is dumb enough to think people can't see this.

  23. Instead of raising the rates, why don't you stop adding frivolous government sponsored failures. Free bikes (will be scraped in 4 months) free wifi, (has the range of about 25 feet), free parking (sold to developer for pennies on the dollar so no parking) this outdoor amphitheater, yeah that will be a better places for the bums and their beers to hang out, and charge their phones. Pulled up all the meters on Main Street ahead of construction, oops that's on hold the contractor (1 and only to bid) quit so now your loosing thousands of dollars a week in parking. Extend 3rd Friday to W. Main Street (ha ha ha) yeah what vendors are going to want to sit up next to Perdue and the Chicken Crap smell blowing east besides the last time I checked the buy my home made junk dealers didn't fill up the plaza. Oh yeah Jake when are you going to start making those people pay sales tax on all of the junk they are selling? Perhaps the tax man can show up one Friday and get those vendors tax id.

    Instead of finding ways to spend money Jake, perhaps you should use it to fix the current infrastructure. No matter how much you try to attract people to downtown (those that will spend and invest) you will not get them with a little bit of lipstick on a pig. Everyone can still see the pig.

  24. Anonymous 12:15 got it right. he will go out and campaign on how he fought to get the rate reduced. Phony to the bone.

  25. 9:07 AM the cost of water / sewer is passed on to the tenant. You're a fool if you think the landlord is paying for it.

  26. Jake Day is it true daddy bought you a riverfront duplex over on Terrie court?? Unreal such a child leading the city of Salisbury

  27. Can someone answer a question for me?? Are ALL Salisbury city government department heads "supposed" to live within Salisbury city limits??

  28. OK Jake day's crossed the line!! He's now doing promo's on 93.5 for his next failure Salisbury marathon. I can't continue to support my favorite radio station if their going to let this idiot run commercials that Salisbury was recognized as Maryland's #1 fastest growing city. lies lies and more lies

  29. Raise it 25% bc I couldn't care less the idiots in dabury voted for it lol SMH.

  30. SHHHHHHHHH! Rino George Whited and Rino council are going to do the same thing in a town 13 miles east of Salisbury. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

  31. Was it passed? Anybody know?

  32. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned John Jacobs. He's the reason that the city is in disarray. TERESA GARDNER was the engineer who got the WWTP WORKING. Have you ALL forgotten that??

  33. They raise the taxes because we put our tails between our legs and waddle off. Stand up to them and such as this will not happen. It's our city and our money. F them.

  34. 8% is HUGE! Arsehole!

  35. Jake Day your an absolute idiot!! Why don't you stop spending money like its a unlimited resource. I realize you're yearning for acceptance and popularity through all the marathons, festivals, bike paths etc etc but your city is more than your little downtown fantasy. I would like to know why half of your "so called" Salisbury marathon was in fruitland and the lower southern portion of wicomico county?? The majority of resources AGAIN were from wicomico county and the sheriff's Dept. Another more obvious thought is to put some type of trash receptacles out on the route for people to throw all the plastic bottles, Styrofoam cups, and paper cups. I just spent two hours cleaning up your mess and an ongoing battle cleaning up the county roads because the county never does it anymore. Keep trying to gain everybody's approval it will be a lifetime battle for an ASS like yourself

  36. GREAT, while the US Census bureau reports that 1-in-5 Salisbury/Wicomico residents are living at or below the national poverty level, what do our politico's do - you got it - 'strapping more ball & chains around our middle-class and poor necks'.

    Simply unbelieveable!

  37. I'm taking my income and taxes to Delaware.

  38. I'm in Delaware after leaving this stupidity in my rear view can you say no sales tax, no state income tax & 85% lower property taxes over Wicomico County? Seems I saw this coming when Paul Martin was mayor! As far as how to deal with SBY in the future I'd suggest praying for God to give this country an enema and please put the nozzle in downtown SBY!

  39. Jake Day let me just say this your gravy train is about to run out soon!! You can only ride your daddy's tailcoat for so long with his Perdue farms influence and then you will be forced to attempt a career on your own merit. We ALL know where that's going to end up. Can you say "active duty"

  40. Joe can you find out the "total" tally on what Jake's latest fantasy Salisbury marathon cost the city??

  41. SCREW the Salisbury Snowflakes I hope there rent goes up by the slumlords lol .

  42. Anonymous said...
    We're still reeling from the major FU that put us here in the first place, courtesy of Barrie Tilghman (ex-mayor), John Jacobs (ex-DPW head), $1 million liability clause city attorney Paul Wilber, and council buffoons Lynn Cathcart, Gary Comegys, Mike "I'm the President" Dunn and Shanie "I'm running for county council now" Shields.
    Their stupidity (and very possibly corruption), put a less than worthless waste water treatment system in at the cost of $85 million.
    After it was found that it didn't work and that the city had been sold a bill of goods by the contractors, and that it would cost the city another $80 million to replace it, those bozos were nowhere to be seen, except for Wilber, who sucked in even more money in the litigation against the companies who built the thing. In the end, the lawsuits brought in about $14 million, but the city's lawyers, including Wilber, took an astounding 40% of it.
    Through all of those years since about 2004, the Maryland Department of the Environment has been quietly fining the city on a regular basis for spills, leaks and failure to meet standards.

    And who pays for the huge "mistakes"? City taxpayers.

    April 23, 2018 at 9:09 AM

    The funny thing is Bob Culver hired the idiot Paul Wilbur and now we are stuck with him in the county. I can't believe Bob Culver did something that stupid. Wasn't he paying attention to what Barrie Tilghman was doing in the City. Then he hired or promoted Pam Oland to acting director of Recs and Parks. Wasn't he paying attention to what fiasco's Pam Oland created when Barrie hired her daughters friend?

  43. Anonymous said...
    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned John Jacobs. He's the reason that the city is in disarray. TERESA GARDNER was the engineer who got the WWTP WORKING. Have you ALL forgotten that??

    April 24, 2018 at 4:06 PM

    No Theresa we haven't forgotten that. You were just as pathetic as want to be Navy Soldier Boi Jacobs. It cost an additional $40 Million dollars to get that wastewater treatment plant somewhat working. Theresa didn't get it working, money got it working.

  44. Anonymous said...
    This is so Day can get hosed by some con artists again. Let's see this stupid festival, the crime thing, free wifi, the bike fiasco to name a few oh forgot headquarters live. He's so incredibly backwards unsophisticated and low information typical of many who never get off the shore falling for the snake oil. He's such a loser.

    April 23, 2018 at 8:24 AM

    Speaking of Jake Day getting hosed I would love to see him locked up for his corruptions and getting gang banged by the biggest Bucks in the prison system. That would be funny as He** to watch him screaming and writhing in pain and not able to get away or go anywhere and the pounding continues. That folks, is what Jake Day, Jim Ireton and Barrie Tilghman has done to us the homeowning taxpayers. We are getting screwed hard and we can't get away because we can't sell our homes.


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