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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Salisbury Maryland Police Flat Out Lying?

I just got this Spotcrime Alert. I thought this was being investigated as a shooting?? Investigating it as a shooting and reporting it as an assault? This is outright lying! Crime is down in Salisbury!


  1. The FBI needs to investigate there LYING A$$ES.

    1. Oh yea, like today's F BI has any honor and integrity.

    2. They do it's only the top scum NOT the other good guys doing the right thing 99.9%

  2. The FBI isn't doing so well right now.

  3. Yea right, the FBI. Maybe Comey can solve this.

  4. Why isn't the government ie Larry Hogan doing a Investigation on this ?

  5. Per Jake Day... You should see the safety score for SU on college factual it's poor

  6. 5:48 PM it ranks as average crime rate. whats your point?

  7. It comes down to a corrupt mayor allowing these crimes to be reclassified, tons of liability over this and the taxpayers would be held accountable for it.

    1. Nothing will happen until a slaughter happens then they will blame the .......NRA.

  8. Why would any of you be surprised that the state police lie? You can see it happen in court on a daily basis.

    1. I have seen them laughing in court in the waiting area and bragging how many tickets they wrote they are disgusting dirtbags especially out of Easton.

    2. Um, this is about Salisbury City Police not the State Police. Try to follow along Cletus

  9. It’s been going on ever since babs took office.

  10. Here comes the whambulance!!!!

  11. First of these shameful comments are a joke. Most of the troopers in these 3 counties are from these counties. These are local men and women serving people who generally don’t deserve it. These folks put in tremendous hours and yes they get paid no question. These folks follow and honor code most of you know nothing about.

    1. If we don't deserve them tell them to Quit.

  12. Is Salisbury crime really that bad. Is it certain sections?

  13. I want too know why gov Hogan and the feds haven't looked into Salisbury police depts fudging call stats or are They ?

  14. Because Sby is a pimple on a wart on south end of a north bound stray dog. No one west of the bay bridge gives a crap what happens over here.

  15. 644 lol. Your in court but calling the police disgusting? How is your attitude working out for you?

    1. I was in court bc of a address change minor issue and received a must appear which I WON and was dropped bc even the court said it was BS so it wasn't for a high speed chase or other issues like you are trying to imply the map where totally Unprofessional on how they where proud of there #s while laughing my bet is YOUR one of the cops.

  16. FBI seriously? What have you been smoking? They don't even know a criminal when she is right there in front of them!

    1. That's a lie COP Hater make sure you don't ever need them.

  17. Anonymous said...
    5:48 PM it ranks as average crime rate. whats your point?

    April 23, 2018 at 5:55 PM

    DAMN!! You can tell when Jake Day, the Boi Mare, is TROLLING!!

  18. Anonymous said...
    It comes down to a corrupt mayor allowing these crimes to be reclassified, tons of liability over this and the taxpayers would be held accountable for it.

    April 23, 2018 at 5:59 PM

    You've got that right and the idiots that keep putting corrupt wannabe politicians like Jake Day, Jim Ireton and Barrie Tilghman in office are the ones with blood on their hands. They are the same ones that vote for Obama and other Democrats.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Why isn't the government ie Larry Hogan doing a Investigation on this ?

    April 23, 2018 at 5:43 PM

    Who knows? Didn't RINO Larry just give Jake Day $1 million dollars of our tax dollars for da 'bury?

  20. Anonymous said...
    I want too know why gov Hogan and the feds haven't looked into Salisbury police depts fudging call stats or are They ?

    April 23, 2018 at 8:16 PM

    That's a good question. This reclassifying serious crime should be against the law.

    What this tells me is that Salisbury is really more crime ridden that the poor rankings already tell us.

  21. Joe maybe you should call Jake Day and ask him about the order he gave the young
    Lady in city finance to sign off on the Knor brothers tax and water bill so they could renew their liquor license through the county. $60,000 in arrears. Tax amnesty? I wonder who will lose their property to tax sale next year. Not EVO or Red Roost I see. The young lady who was ordered to sign off on it apparently requested that Day sign a paper releasing her from any responsibility.

    1. Maryland ethics committee has been contacted and possibly action taken

    2. That's sounds like obstruction of Justice.

  22. 10:45 I've been in court plenty of times as the plaintiff and/or victim. There are two sides to every court case, but don't let facts get in your way. SMH

  23. oh the horror! they are government stooges/mouthpieces, whether kops mayors bureaucrats what do you expect? they all lie! think the crapper called salisbury is any different from any other cesspool in america?

  24. Get out if you can!

  25. Who cares Ray Charles can see Salisbury in a sh** hole. If you can not see the obvious then you get what you deserve. I grew up in Baltimore and felt safer. Hell I do not trust SPD for that matter. This whole area is a dung hole. If you are not dealing with the gorillas you are dealing with the 5'5 midgets born here. One just can not blame the city the county is up to its eyeballs in corruption.

  26. Here is something else to consider, you can call the city police, the county sheriff's, the FBI, whomever whatever you want. They still have the authority to take your freedom away if they have probable cause. They even have the authority to take your life if you are a deadly threat. So.. bitch and complain, even protesting, does no good. Ultimately, the police are the authority, like it or not. They will not be disband, one or two may get fired here and there for something against protocol or shady but all in all, they aren't going anywhere. Obey the law, you won't have an issue. I drive around all day, all over the state, never have a problem with the police. I drive to work, home, etc. never have a problem. Why.. because im not out breaking the law or acting like an idiot.

  27. I have no issue with honest police it is when they protect those that are abusing the law. They have an extremely tough job. They just do not police themselves. The good cops get caught up in the hypocrisy of the cops that are kept around when they commit acts of violence that is unlawful or when they violate the constitution. The vast majority do a great job it is that minority that hurts all. I guarantee if you had a candid conversation with a good cop they would have at least a dozen names of bad cops. The thin blue line propagates the bad.

  28. 200 the problem is around here all the cops talk crap about each other. There is no thin blue line anymore. They dime each other out for petty nonsense. Then there are supervisors that jam up good cops for stupid things. The administration doesn't stand up for its officers and the public hates the police due to idiots in Hollywood and football. It's no wonder why their job sucks.

  29. It's sad that the idiots running the city and the police station have to lie about facts to make this city look safe. It's not and it's very dangerous to live in. Jake Day you are one lying sack of shit. Why don't you take your young daughters for a stroll in these neighborhoods with high crime? I bet you don't!

  30. I wish you had a story on the cluster @#$% marathon...What a traffic nightmare for those needing to navigate through the city. Unbelievable they closed all of downtown and access to the west side

  31. Well what else is new, besides this silliness of demonizing our LEO.... again.
    It would do you fools good to look up the definition of "assault". In the process you just might learn about policy these "lying cops" are required to follow. Ridiculous to have folks on here trying to prove cops are lying over the term "shooting" and bringing charges of assault when investigating the reported crime. This is so petty. IMO you fools sound like the Democrates who twist words to demonize those with who follow regulations instead of doing what uninformed folks write in comments on a blog. Get a life for this whole debacle is foolish.

  32. 9:16 Where have you been for the past several years. This area's economy is based on holding events that bring people with money to the area. They spend money and leave while you are inconvenienced. Dog shows, softball tournaments, triathlons, marathons and now folk festivals.

  33. Good thing there are enough alert people out there to catch Fake Jake in these lies. Yes that was a shooting and not an assault.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Well what else is new, besides this silliness of demonizing our LEO.... again.
    It would do you fools good to look up the definition of "assault". In the process you just might learn about policy these "lying cops" are required to follow. Ridiculous to have folks on here trying to prove cops are lying over the term "shooting" and bringing charges of assault when investigating the reported crime. This is so petty. IMO you fools sound like the Democrates who twist words to demonize those with who follow regulations instead of doing what uninformed folks write in comments on a blog. Get a life for this whole debacle is foolish.

    April 29, 2018 at 9:48 AM

    Jake Day is that you? No one said the cops are lying, they are proving you are the liar. We all know you are lying to make it look like crime is down. We all know you want crime to appear down for your Foke Festivus.

  35. Jake Day you lying as sack of Crap!

  36. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    Well what else is new, besides this silliness of demonizing our LEO.... again.
    It would do you fools good to look up the definition of "assault". In the process you just might learn about policy these "lying cops" are required to follow. Ridiculous to have folks on here trying to prove cops are lying over the term "shooting" and bringing charges of assault when investigating the reported crime. This is so petty. IMO you fools sound like the Democrates who twist words to demonize those with who follow regulations instead of doing what uninformed folks write in comments on a blog. Get a life for this whole debacle is foolish.

    April 29, 2018 at 9:48 AM

    Jake Day is that you? No one said the cops are lying, they are proving you are the liar. We all know you are lying to make it look like crime is down. We all know you want crime to appear down for your Foke Festivus.

    April 29, 2018 at 9:08 PM

    Yes I am pretty sure that comment is Jake Day. If you look at the original posts where Jake Day had them taken down, Jake was putting a twist on and and mentioning the SPD, the WCSO and the SAO like the guy was putting them down when he wasn't.

    Jake Day you are a lying DOUCHE BAG!


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