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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Rally Outside White House Demands ‘Reparations’ and ‘Full Compensation’ for Slavery

During a rally Saturday outside the White House in Washington D.C., Malik Shabbazz, president of Black Lawyers for Justice, called on President Trump to pay reparations to the black community.

“We must have reparations, full compensation for the theft of our land, the theft of our bodies, the theft of our people from Africa, the theft of our dignity; the desecration of our souls decade after decade after decade after decade,” Shabazz said.

“As I said, we don’t want your food stamps. We don’t want no government handout. We don’t want to be trying to fix up some paperwork so I can get Social Security. We want our own.”

Prior to his speech Saturday, Shabbazz led a group of black leaders to Capitol Hill on April 16 in an effort to lobby against a resolution introduced by Indiana Republican Todd Rokita that condemns Louis Farrakhan for promotion of anti-semitic “anger toward Jewish Americans and the Jewish religion.”

“There is no place in our civil discourse for this clear anti-semitism and hate for another group of human beings. I urge my House colleagues to join me in condemning Louis Farrahkan’s hateful and anti-semitic attacks, while also reaffirming our nation’s commitment to our Jewish neighbors and our greatest ally, the nation of Israel,” Rokita said.



  1. Suggests that Shabbazz either doesn’t know history very well or has chosen to rewrite it. Slavery was shameful, but the slave traders were not American whites. Beyond that if you want to talk reparations...let’s talk about the only non-immigrant population of the US, from whom we stole everything...the American Indian tribes.

  2. Don't like the benefits of your anestors struggle! given the opportunities you're given to grow and prosper in this country!! how dare you!! the only thing you are entitled to, if anything. Is a free ride back to hence you came. Some people have charisma, Some people have charm, some people can sell snow to an Eskimo, Some people have persistence to overcome life's obstacles. tough it out, and make something of themselves!.. and of course some people don't
    that's life! The color of your skin makes no difference! Its how strong your character is. How polite, loving & respectful to yourself and others you are, that makes or breaks your success in life

  3. They've assumed the role of VICTIM quite well!!

  4. Funny Asians, Irish, Chinese, Jews and it just goes on and on have prospered. Only one race continually cries about a long past situation. Gimme dat money. Really you lazy tribe raising non working uneducated POS. Here is your reparation get on the first boat and head back to Africa. See how that works out for you.

  5. Damn Right! I want my reparations for my Irish relatives!!!

  6. Lol prove your Not on Welfare X 30 yrs and we will give you Reperations SMH.

  7. They received there reperations it's called Welfare.

  8. Funny how they weren’t outside the whitehouse screaming for reparations when Obama was in office.

  9. 12:37 - Don't forget the Hungarians. By the way, which number do I press for Hungarian anyway?

  10. Where were they from 08 to Jan 2017?? Why didn't they push for reparations then??

  11. Liberia could probably be purchased for a song, the government dissolved and a new, Shabazzian government put in its place. The new nation (they get to rename it, too) will join the hundreds of others getting generous U.S. aid and assistance. Hundreds of miles of virgin beaches, thriving port cities, extensive plains awaiting development, and summer weather almost all year long. With loving care the country could be a jewel of the African continent.

  12. He lost me at "we don't want your food stamps". Obviously, he has never been at the Food Lion on Nanticoke Rd., when the EBT system went "down"... LOL

  13. Rally Outside White House Demands ‘Reparations’ and ‘Full Compensation’ for Slavery

    This crap is getting out of hand!

    Malik Shabbazz? WTF does a Muslim have to with slavery in our country?? He needs to worry about the hundreds of years of slavery by Muslims. Muslims are still holding slaves today!

  14. Reparations? Were reparations given to the owners who had to free their slaves? Why weren't they given reparations for the investments they lost? They weren't breaking the law so why weren't they compensated for their loss?

  15. What about the first slaves in America, the Irish slaves? Is he fighting for reparations for the Irish?

  16. There aren't any slave owners alive today and there aren't any slaves alive today. It's a moot point, Mr. Muslim.

  17. Since WW II, ended the major cities that were totally destroyed in Russia, France, Germany, Japan and other involved nations have totally rebuilt and are thriving.

    Since WW II look what has happened to major American cities-Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Oakland and so on. Why have American cities turned to wasteland ghettos and Asian and European cities thrived?

    Shabazz needs to look in the mirror for a few answers and stop trying to make $$$$ off of the black community.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Funny Asians, Irish, Chinese, Jews and it just goes on and on have prospered. Only one race continually cries about a long past situation. Gimme dat money. Really you lazy tribe raising non working uneducated POS. Here is your reparation get on the first boat and head back to Africa. See how that works out for you.

    April 27, 2018 at 12:36 PM

    Amen Brother! Preach it!

  19. Anonymous said...
    Lol prove your Not on Welfare X 30 yrs and we will give you Reperations SMH.

    April 27, 2018 at 1:57 PM

    What a stupid comment! We aren't going to give jack sh!t to anyone. The fact that they are on welfare at all is proof of their entitlement.

    By the way Hillbilly please learn to spell "reparations" before you start a rant wanting to give my money away. You are stupid to make a good point and you are an embarrassment to the white race.

  20. Anonymous said...
    They received there reperations it's called Welfare.

    April 27, 2018 at 1:57 PM

    You are more correct than your first 1:57 pm, but you are still wrong. Welfare isn't "reparations" it's mooching off society. They don't deserve reparations and they won't get it.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Funny how they weren’t outside the whitehouse screaming for reparations when Obama was in office.

    April 27, 2018 at 1:58 PM

    Good thing, Obammy would have given it to them.

  22. I would be very supportive of reparations if they all took the money and went back to Africa for good.

  23. All of us are slaves to the international banking families who control the Central Banks and the Governments.
    The slaves of 1800s US are dead now.
    So how can they be "repaid" for their servitude?


    Am I a genius or am I surrounded by idiots?

  24. How are you going to do that? Due to the lack of support over 60 years of my life; the black and white man seed has spread EVERYWHERE through out this country creating light skinned, black skinned, paper bag color skinned, practically so bright almost white skinned people and half breeds all over the world. How on earth are you going to determine who are the descents of Africans without discrimination? I'm black, a female and a born in this country. I will never see reparation of a descent of slaves. But, what I do see is a bunch of half breeds privilege zebra's receiving reparations because their white mother's was seeded by a black man.
    Rebels without a clue would be the first ones in line. And, 12:36 PM, remember plenty of races from all over the world came to this company for a new start which includes money, sex and drugs. The only group of people who came into this country in bondage and no free will was my Africans ancestors.

    1. Ancestry.com.😉

    2. Then why is it you and all your African descendants never wanted to go back to Africa?? I'll tell you because after 400 plus years their still doing the same thing over there that you do in all major cities. Robbing, stealing and producing litters of children that you can't support begging for enough food and water to survive

  25. Black people owned slaves to in America

    1. In the south they owned the most but you won't see that on CNN.

  26. They get it now in the form of food stamps,wic,medical,housing and many more things shut up

  27. Go back to the "Old Country" and bask in the glory of your rich African heritage. Live in a grass and dung hut and eat bugs.

  28. I guess they want that money since Dr Carson wants to raise their rent and put them to work. Sorry free loaders. The gig is up!

  29. hold y'all's breath whilst I empty my bank account so's I can pay up!

  30. those slaves that were released and found freedom already got their reparations. You people today in the US have not been held slave so you deserve nothing. Those slaves accepted 40 acres and a mule. Not enough? they were also given their own country, paid for by US tax payers. Called Liberia. If you wants some land go there and get part of what was given to your ancestors, if in fact they were at all.You're not entitles to anything. if you want to be a modern day slave i'm sure there are some African and Muslim nations that will take you in for a minute. See how far you get with that.

  31. Slavery was brought to America by England through the use of Jewish merchant ships and the slaves provided by Black Muslims "still in business today". America had slavery for 400 year 300 under British rule it took another 100 years to build a new country and fight a civil war and many deaths to abolish slavery ... America the country didn't enslave black people America freed the slaves...How about thanks ?

    1. There you have it!! I truly hope and pray that all the younger black and white millennials will start getting the WHOLE truths and not just this new version with bits and pieces to ignite another politically charged racial divide

  32. I have a sign on my fridge: "If it is to be, it's up to me." My kids grew up seeing it and understand it's meaning.
    Now, if the group wanting reparations for slavery can figure it out, they wouldn't be asking for a government handout.
    They live in the greatest country on Earth and have more opportunities than almost every other country. They have been granted the right for life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness by our constitution. And it's not going to come from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
    Pursue it on your own somewhere else.

  33. I'm open to paying reparations. As long as the reparations consist of a one-way ticket back to your historic home, losing your American citizenship, and being barred from entry into the US. Sounds like a deal to me.

  34. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.


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