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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Naked man with AR-15 kills diners at Waffle House in Tennessee

A man witnesses described as wearing only a green jacket killed at least four people people and wounded three others after opening fire with a AR-15-style assault rifle at a Waffle House in Antioch, Tennessee Sunday morning, according to Nashville police.

Three people died at the scene and a fourth after being taken to Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville police spokesman Don Aaron said.



  1. So was it the guns fault or the drugs he was on ?

  2. Wonder how the man is going to spin this one

  3. Appears to be another mental health issue not a gun issue

  4. It's time to ban nakedness!

  5. Not naked if he was wearing a jacket. Matching pants probably at the cleaners.

  6. 11:18. Mental issues or not, doubtful he could have killed those 4 people without the gun itself. It is a gun issue.

    1. You moron . If not a gun, he would have driven his car into the building or built a bomb, or used a hammer, or knife. You're ignorance is more the issue than the gun.

    2. So what are you suggesting, another gun law?. He already illegally possessed those weapons. What would another law on top of the law do?

  7. Another white nut case with an AR-15. Y'all never gonna get shall issue CCW in MD, might get some more gun laws and a ban on semi-autos tho.

    1. You may probably be right, and unfortunately a lot more black people will die because of the government taking away our rights.

  8. I just wonder if a good guy with a gun could have stopped this bad guy with a gun.

  9. Now we see who Carl Anderton is endorsing for County Executive. And I have personally and recently heard him say so.

    Carl Anderton needs to be ashamed of himself endorsing and voting outside the party line. What does he care, he's getting a free ride this election since no one filed to run against him and now he wants to run for County Exec. in 4 years, the POS!

    And look at Jake Day rubbing it in for you, Joe and Bob C. He changed his profile pic from his gas SBY Logo to this yesterday.


  10. Saved as a favorite, I love your web site!

  11. It was the Tenn Whiskey, nothing mental, absolutely not about the gun.

    (sarcasm off!)

  12. Now we will need to pass a law against being naked.... OH, yeah.... Maryland already did that to Ocean City. Good thing that didn't happen in Maryland, the guy would be in BIG trouble.

  13. Something weird going on with all these cases. What is the background on all these shooyers? Where are they getting their drugs? Is some G-Force doing weird experiments on them? This is becoming common and not random.

  14. The guy was arrested trying to get into the White House so we know he's another crazed Liberal with a gun...If guns are outlawed crazed liberals will be armed and we won't.

  15. Obviously time to ban the sale of scattered, smothered and covered hash browns.

  16. He was stopped by a black guy with no gun. Always bet on black.

  17. The Governors of Florida and Tennessee support the NRA even though Rick Scott made the NRA upset by signing a bill to raise the age to 21 years old before you can buy a firearm.
    Does anyone see a pattern? Why are they not shooting in states where the Governor supports gun control?

    Read the book "Secret Empires" by Peter Schweizer . You will question the motives of all of our politicians!
    The corruption is unbelievable...

  18. 6:05 Confiscate all semi autos with detachable mags. Get caught with one 20 years min. mandatory. No if, no buts, no coconuts!

    1. Yes because a handgun with a 9 shot detachable magazine couldn't do the same damage. Dumbass

  19. @ 1:00 What do you suggest we do about guns ?

    1. Ban guns and ban free speech IMMEDIATELY. VOTE DEMOCRAT

  20. I want ALL Snowflakes to go to the Bronx CHICAGO Miami Baltimore and Ask all criminal Thugs for there ILLEGAL weapons ? See what they say ?

  21. Busted with guns in 2017 bein' spooky around the White House. We'll see how the left spins that. One of their own nutjobs goin' after Trump? I'd be willing to bet a word won't be said.

  22. If the Fascists are successful in taking guns from law abiding citizens free speech is next and then the Constitution itself.

  23. Thanks for signing your name, Dumbass. Try looking up the ballistics on a 9mm v. 5.56. A world of difference. 9 rounds v. 30 rounds. No difference there, really? Accurate out to 30 yards v. accurate out to 300 yards. No difference there either. Hurry up and get to your job turning the stop/yield sign in the construction zone.

  24. This guy was known to the FBI as he had trespassed on the whitehouse lawn before. Another nut job able to get his hands on a gun with or without the laws

  25. Reading that the FBI knew about this guy says a lot. They really are the Fumbling Bureau of Idiots!

    What is this now, 6 killers they let get guns and slaughter innocents?

  26. The cops gave the guns back lol. WTH sounds like something Mikey would do.

  27. The only way to stop an armed shooter is with equal or superior fire power. PERIOD!!!

  28. Some of the idiotic comments on this site. People's lives were taken. I hope you never have to experience a loss by way of such. What responsible adult would give this person back his guns knowing his mental stat? Yeah, people will say he would have gotten guns anyway. Probably, but that wasn't the case. Sad.

  29. Nope, he was stopped by an unarmed black man.

  30. He just took out the trash. Maybe he heard about the reparation request. No Caucasians killed. He needs a medal and a steak dinner. He just did what thousands of people want to.


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