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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Auntie Maxine to Trump: ‘Please Resign’ so I Don’t Have to Impeach You

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), in an interview at the Time 100 Gala on Tuesday, said her advice to President Trump is to “please resign.”

The interviewer asked Waters if she had any advice for the president, and the California Democrat did not mince words.

“Please resign,” said Waters, one of Trump’s most vocal critics, after being honored at the Time 100 Gala in New York. “So that I won’t have to keep up this fight of your having impeached because I don’t think you deserve to be there. Just get out.”

Waters made the 2018 list of Time 100’s “most influential people” along with the anti-gun Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student activists, the Daily Show’s Trevor Noah, and Trump himself.

Actress Yara Shahidi wrote the tribute to Waters, praising her for leading the movement to “impeach” Trump.

“She is adored and admired by people who care about social justice and is oh so eloquent in letting the world, particularly the white men of Congress who dare test her acumen, know that she is not here for any nonsense,” Shahidi wrote.



  1. Maxine, please shut up.
    Democrats like me have had enough of you.

  2. Girl, please shut the hell up. Bye.

  3. Tell us how you'll do that.

  4. James Brown look-a-like......except she's uglier!!!!

  5. Love it the NWO useful idiots are terrified

  6. That old corpse needs to go back to her casket

  7. I was going to say she looks like an Oprah Madame Tussauds figure that got left out in the hot Vegas sun.

  8. I say to her, "Please eat a box of Rat Poison".

  9. Keep it up old one, I don't watch late night comedy. You'll do just fine, keep it up!!

  10. Does she want a WAR in America ?

  11. Impeschfor what. Being white, honest, and MAGA. You need to stop taking advantage of your own constitutentz. You live in a Madison they live in the streets. Now owe need to be impeached.

  12. There is a pic on this blog of a local GOP woman. She ain't no beauty either.

  13. James browns mom.

  14. Trump was legally elected by the voters of the United States of America to be president. You may not like it, but that makes him deserving you freaking moron.

  15. So, Maxine, please tell us how you afford a 5 million dollar house in California on your 155,000/year salary?

  16. Shut up Rick James.

  17. “She is not here for any nonsense”

    Really?... have you SEEN her wardrobe??

  18. Must be time for Time Magazine to go if that is the best they can come up with. She couldn't influence her way out of a thick fog. Maybe she could take a deep breath and clear it .

  19. She needs to just shut her trap & go away!!!!!

  20. It's hard to believe we have such incompetent employees on our books. They are suppose to be making important decisions. This one says too much, but I can look at it and tell this nut job is not right even before speaking.

    As our good president would say "look at that face" Lol

  21. How would you like that popping out of a closet on a stormy night?

    1. She could be "the clown" in stephen king's book. OR, maybe she is!

  22. She is an idiot.

    Our POTUS is an absolute bafoon!
    Can he please shut his mouth?
    Does he not WANT to be POTUS?

    Just shut up Mr. Trump!
    He is burying himself with every stupid girly tweet.


  23. Please no more pics of Mad Maxine. Need eye bleach. But agree that DUI pleader at top of page this evening is no friend of the camera either.

  24. I would LOVE to see her without a wig.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Impeschfor what. Being white, honest, and MAGA. You need to stop taking advantage of your own constitutentz. You live in a Madison they live in the streets. Now owe need to be impeached.

    April 26, 2018 at 3:20 PM

    WTF did you just say?

  26. Hmmm, she looks a little lop-sided....

  27. There is no "fight of your having impeached (sic)" by Waters.
    She has nothing but mouth with progressively more foolish things coming out of it.

  28. A vote for her is a vote against Americans.

  29. She needs to be removed from office herself, take a good long look in your mirror, your 15 minutes passed years ago. No one cares what she thinks, remove her from her own office, be the fodder for the bird cage bottom.

  30. Waters you want a civil race war then DO IT.

  31. Stfu ..... bye felicia

  32. I think her left balloon popped. Her and Barrie T need to get with Playtex.

  33. She's the one that needs to be impeached, she's dog poop, wrap it up in a pretty box and drop it on Hillary's doorstep.


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