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Saturday, April 07, 2018

Michelle Obama likens Trump to bad parent who lets kids 'eat candy all day'

Former first lady Michelle Obama drew some unflattering comparisons between her husband's presidency and that of his successor, likening Donald Trump to an irresponsible parent who lets his kids 'eat candy and stay up late and not follow the rules'.

Mrs Obama made the parenting analogy while speaking to a cheering crowd of supporters at the 39th annual Simmons Leadership Conference in Boston on Thursday.

The mother-of-two said Barack Obama's eight-year presidency 'was like having the "good parent" at home, the responsible parent, the one who told you to eat your carrots and go to bed on time'.



  1. Here we are, with the second former First Lady not to STFU after leaving the White House. For someone with nothing to offer the world but empty words, she's got an ego that's hard to match.

  2. Let's send her candy. Must be tired of carrots by now.

  3. Michelle Obama has convinced herself that only democrats should decide how one can conduct and live their own lives.


  4. Both of them married to unrepentant sexual deviants, too. Go figure.

  5. Coming from a ,"Woman" who started she hates America.

  6. Michelle how is your Adams apple ?

  7. Is she referring to "follow the rules" barack who told his Attorney General to ignore immigration laws, allow guns to be distributed to killers (one was used to murder a federal agent), who allowed the IRS to illegally target certain citizens, who allowed his Secretary of State to operate an illegal server to transmit classified info, who knew of (and allowed) FBI surveillance of a PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE (!!), and is CURRENTLY advocating "resisting" a duly elected president's agenda?

    THAT guy?

    She should catch on fire for saying that drivel.
    Is she on drugs or something??

    Take her muslim husband back to Indonesia and get lost in the jungle. Please.

  8. Candy all the time? What about the Weed all the time that the Obamas favored for their kids?

  9. "He" should shut "his" mouth. (map)

  10. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 7, 2018 at 4:28 PM

    Michelle O, ugh, aka Michael is a Tranny, therefore can't have any babies, those girls are not hers. Simple DNA test would prove it, but they will not allow it. Could Obama loving Democ-Rats show a single picture of Moochelle ever being pregnant? No, and No.
    Keep cheering, Sheeple

  11. Micelle and Barrack Obama has been teaching theirs how to con others. Remember the foreign student aide for college, denying born in Kenya but claims that as their home country. Should I say more. So what is the worst candy or lying con artist?

  12. "The parent" who told when, where, and how you will live your life, what and what not to see, read or speak! The good communist parent is what she was leaning towards!!


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