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Saturday, April 07, 2018

Nancy Pelosi Vows To Rework GOP Tax Plan

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi vowed Wednesday that Democrats will rework the GOP tax bill if they successfully retake the House in the 2018 midterm elections.

Speaking at a Culver City town hall event as part of the “Repeal the Trump Tax” tour, Pelosi pledged that Democrats would overhaul the tax bill into one that “creates growth, creates good-paying jobs, as it reduces the deficit.”

“Over 80 percent of the benefits go to the top 1 percent,” Pelosi said of the GOP tax cuts. “Eighty-six million middle-class families will see a tax increase while they advertise it as a middle-class bill.”

According to the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, the average household will receive a tax cut of $1,610 in 2018. Only 5 percent of taxpayers will see increased taxes in 2018.



  1. When did Nancy have a bright idea of her own, always wanting to change other peoples

  2. How she can lie and breathe at the same time is a mystery.

  3. 2:25

    What is not a mystery is that Pelosi lies whenever she breathes

  4. Have to keep an eye out for rising tax rates may have to cash out 401k if the president doesn't get re elected.

  5. Interest rate increases will eat up that $1,600 saving quickly if you have adj. rate loans, credit card debit or borrow money in the future.

  6. Between this Lube Girl and DE Biden, I wonder if there is medicine to prevent laughter. My sides are hurting, although they sure have funny material. Beats Kimmel


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