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Monday, April 02, 2018

Howard University student accused of stealing $429,000 in financial aid, buying fancy clothes

While most busy college kids might spend their days in sweats, one student at Howard University was a notable exception: He's accused of stealing $429,000 in financial aid from 2011 to 2017 to buy fancy clothes.

Students of the historically black university in Washington, D.C. are protesting on Friday over the incident, as well as a larger scandal alleging financial mishandlings which came to light just recently, NBC Washington is reporting.



  1. You gotta have the right threads if you gonna be a well dressed pimp.

  2. I've been following this on the DC Fox station. Its such a joke. Rewarding thieves, allowing the students to protest in the academic buildings with demands. It won't be long until other colleges follow - just like teachers are starting to strike (Kentucky/AZ) like WV.

    Unbelievable that we will start fighting amongst ourselves and CNN/MSNBC will be there for ratings!

  3. this liberal affirmative action nonsense sure is working out great isn`t it?? he`s been in college for 6 years and got almost half a million in free money and still hasn`t graduated and was STILL being given free (tax payer) money. i guess nobody wanted to be accused of racism by kicking him off the gravy train. lol


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