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Monday, April 02, 2018

Revolutionary New Cancer 'Vaccine' Cures 97% of Tumors in Mice

A new startlingly effective injection revitalizes and boosts the body’s own cancer defenses.

“T cells” play a vital role in our immune system. Typically, it is those lymphocytes that recognize and target cancer when it appears in the body. But as a tumor grows, it begins to suppress the function of those cells, rendering the body defenseless against the deadly, creeping mass.

The immunotherapy injection simply reactivates those cells, stimulating them to ignore cancer’s oppression and fight back. Rather than the less effective — and substantially more difficult — process of CAR T-cell therapy, in which cells are removed from the body and then engineered to fight the cancer before being returned, the two agents in the injection combine to do all the necessary work “in-house,” so to speak.

Stanford University School of Medicine Professor of Oncology Dr. Ronald Levy, the senior author of the Science Translational Medicine study, said that the treatment is “attacking specific targets without having to identify exactly what proteins the T cells are recognizing.” Not only that, but the rejuvenated T-cells are even eliminating metastasized tumors that have spread to other parts of the body.



  1. Cancer is man made, and there has been for years, ways to stop it or cure it, but that is not conducive to the Big Phara...

    1. So the multi billionaire owners of big pharmaceuticals choose to die from cancer? Cancer dates back to Roman Empire days, was it man made then?

  2. Cure will not be made available for human use till 2120, profits have to be made first, cancer is a huge moneymaker.

  3. They made up all that stuff about cigarettes causing lung cancer just to sell chemo. Ok, YDFI!

  4. big pharma will never let this hit the streets and be available to the common people. big pharma makes way too much money " treating cancer" a cure for cancer would put them out of business. big pharma will only allow this to be released to the public when a new and more "uncurable" disease is created by them or occurs naturally,so that they can stay profitable by selling "treatment" for the new disease.

  5. Cancer has existed for all of human history.[183] The earliest written record regarding cancer is from circa 1600 BC in the Egyptian Edwin Smith Papyrus and describes breast cancer.[183] Hippocrates (ca. 460 BC – ca. 370 BC) described several kinds of cancer, referring to them with the Greek word καρκίνος karkinos (crab or crayfish).[183] This name comes from the appearance of the cut surface of a solid malignant tumor, with "the veins stretched on all sides as the animal the crab has its feet, whence it derives its name".[184] Galen stated that "cancer of the breast is so called because of the fancied resemblance to a crab given by the lateral prolongations of the tumor and the adjacent distended veins".[185]:738 Celsus (ca. 25 BC – 50 AD) translated karkinos into the Latin cancer, also meaning crab and recommended surgery as treatment.[183] Galen (2nd century AD) disagreed with the use of surgery and recommended purgatives instead.[183] These recommendations largely stood for 1000 years.

  6. Superstar,
    Thank you!

    Do you believe there might be MORE cancer now compared to BC as a result of human inventions such as GMO, radiation, and pesticides?

  7. Too bad we're not mice!


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