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Monday, April 02, 2018

Fired David Shulkin Says He Was Forced Out For Opposing VA Privatization

Former Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin says he was forced out of President Donald Trump’s administration because he did not support privatization of military health care.

“They saw me as an obstacle to privatization who had to be removed,” Shulkin writes in aNew York Times op-ed. “That is because I am convinced that privatization is a political issue aimed at rewarding select people and companies with profits, even if it undermines care for veterans.”

Shulkin was fired on Wednesday as Trump nominated White House physician, Dr. Ronnie Jackson, to replace him.

He argued that the private sector was not sufficient to provide care for veterans and that privatizing the agency would hurt existing military hospitals.



  1. The government has proven that it is not up to the task, so why not go a different route?

  2. If they privatize they have it under really tight control or it will be like medicare and medicaid just getting totally ripped off constantly,and we the tax payers pay for it.

  3. Why not just put the vets on medicaid and be done with it?

  4. 426 - how does a current a $23 TRILLION dollar budget sound? Lots of vets out there.... Maybe a business acumen/mindset is what the nation needs. Now who has that mindset, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm????


  5. He is a Obama POS lay over byeeeeeeeeeee.

  6. so a dude who is on the government gravy train gets fired for supporting an incompetent government medical system? of course he was supporting it that`s where his paycheck came from and it`s no secret that the VA offers incompetent sub standard care. either the dude is completely insane and doesn`t realize how bad the VA system or he knows how bad it is and he was just standing behind it to protect his paycheck, either way he needs to to fired!


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