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Monday, April 02, 2018

'Palm Sunday Massacre' killer freed from prison

The killer who took the lives of eight children and two young mothers in 1984 in Brooklyn in what has been called the 'Palm Sunday Massacre' has been released from prison, despite multiple denials of parole.

Christopher Thomas, now 68, was convicted of the mass shooting and sentenced in 1985 to 25-50 years, but was released on January 5 and is now believed to be living in Queens, New York.

'He doesn’t deserve to be on the street. He killed poor, innocent children,' retired NYPD Lt. Herbert Hohmann, who testified against Thomas at trial after leading the investigation told The New York Post on Friday.

The parole board agreed, denying him a total of five times over nine years, before his release no longer required board approval, due to meeting the time-served and other requirements, including 'good behavior.'


1 comment:

  1. No that is so wrong. He murdered children. He should never see the day of light. Let's see if he kills again. God forbid.


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