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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Attkisson: Trump Was Right To Fire Comey; Here Are 12 Reasons Why

A lot of new information has come out in the year since President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey.

No matter whether you admire Trump, Comey, both or neither - it’s now difficult to argue that Trump made the wrong move in removing Comey.

Even many of Trump’s detractors would agree that no president should keep in place the head of a crucial division who - along with some of his top staff — apparently worked to undermine or control the president, and exercised poor judgment in important matters.

Here are 12 ways Comey has proven Trump was right to fire him.

1. Comey testified that it gave him a “queasy feeling” when then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch directed him to publicly refer to the Hillary Clintonclassified email investigation as a “matter.” Yet, he did so anyway and did not raise objections.

2. Comey’s FBI, including allegedly his general counsel, was responsible for multiple leaks to the press with the apparent goal of politically helping Clinton or harming Trump. On the other hand, the FBI kept a closely-held secret any information that was favorable to Trump — such as the fact that Comey repeatedly told Trump he wasn’t under investigation.

3. Top FBI officials working under Comey conspired to develop an “insurance plan” in the event Trump were to be elected. (One possible implication is that they could not afford to have Trump officials poking around into what they or other U.S. intel agencies had been doing over the years.)


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