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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

GM to Lay Off 1,500 American Workers While Mexico Plant Remains Unaffected

General Motors (GM) will soon be laying off up to 1,500 American workers who currently work at the auto company’s Lordstown, Ohio manufacturing plant, while the company’s Mexico plant remains unaffected.

GM announced the U.S. job-cutting plan that they say is due to the poor sales of the sedan version of the Chevrolet Cruze which, between 2014 and 2017, have decreased by more than 30 percent, CNN reports.

In total, the poor sales of the sedan Cruze will leave 1,500 American workers laid off, which is about half of workers currently working at the plant.

Meanwhile, the corporation’s Mexico plant will be unaffected by the lack of sales. In Mexico, GM manufactures the hatchback version of the car. GM employs about 15,000 workers in Mexico, jobs that could be relocated to the U.S. to provide work to Americans.

Last year, Trump blasted GM for manufacturing their cars in Mexico, Breitbart News reported.



  1. why do we act surprised? folks the problem with america is america..i am surprised that places even like mcdonalds stay open, i mean come on now $10 a hour minimum wage...dont ever complain as to why a burger combo is over $8
    ridiculous... we may be "business friendly" but the "cost" of business in America is far worse than in Mexico or any other country for that matter

  2. President Trump should enact a 15-20% tariff on all vehicles coming from Mexico. This would bring the jobs back to the USA

  3. Wait a minute. 1500 folks to produce a vehicle who's production has decreased 30% over 3 years??? The person who ORDERED the continuation of this vehicle should be held responsible and NO BONUS! NO BONUS to executives for backing this action either!

    Bad pub during this administration GM will only bring unhappy comments from your Commander-in-Chief! We all know bad comments from him will be hatred on your product!

    Best regroup GM or else. This President will NOT give you a handout if you fail again!

  4. After Obama STOLE from the GM Bond Holders and gave it to the Unions, I quit buying ANY GM product. At the time, my Prius was built in NJ and my Chevy truck was built in Canada.

  5. What man drives a prius? Ireton, maybe!


  6. Wages and benefits would be part of the decision but Ohio produced models are in free fall; apparently not as dire with the Mexican ones. Switching a product from one plant to another would take both offline for a period. Not so smart. Lordstown is cutting a shift but still producing. Plant has been there since at least the Vega! Ups and downs are part of the car biz.

  7. Looking for a new large vehicle and had decided on a GMC that I just saw in traffic. NO MORE!


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