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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

There Is No "Patriotic Duty" To Pay More Tax

In 1873 during the administration of Ulysses S. Grant, the government abolished its income tax.

Aside from a single episode in 1894, there would be no income tax in the United States of America for nearly 40 years.

It was during this period that the United States emerged as the largest, most powerful economy in the world.

And the country achieved this with no income tax. No inflation. And very little public debt.

Today it’s entirely different. The dollar has lost over 99% of its value since 1913.

And the US has accumulated more debt than any other nation in the history of the world.

Entitlement program costs are soaring. The US government’s own figures estimate that the long-term funding gap for Social Security, Medicare, etc. exceeds $40 trillion. Many private estimates are several times that amount.



  1. Yup. Everyone for themselves, and let’s see what happens

  2. And crazy Liberals want to let in more illegals, refugees, and other degenerates to feed off the system!

  3. Absolutely correct. Especially not with the waste in federal, state, and local governments!

  4. Then don't use public services

  5. Americans have lost their sense of helping other Americans. You turn to arguments like 11:36's to ease the guilt of selfishness. The precious GOP has set us up for the biggest deficit in history.

  6. With what I pay in taxes, I figure that I'm feeding and at least partially housing a family of five in addition to my own family.

  7. The US government is thoroughly corrupt and evil.
    It was taken over in 1913 with the creation of the FED and the Income Tax.
    Both of which violated the US Constitution.

    Congress has the power to COIN money and regulate the value thereof.

    It did not have the authority to give that power to a private secret group of banking families from Europe.


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