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Saturday, March 24, 2018

School Safety???

Yesterday WBOC boasted over and over again about these poles that are somehow going to save our children's lives at Stephen Decatur High School. 

I'm thinking to myself, self, when is the last time I heard of anyone driving their vehicle into the entrance of any school to run over a mass amount of students. 

With all the gun control drama out there, especially recently, you have to think, what in the hell do these poles have to do with correcting and or fixing the GUN problem???

Leave it to your liberal media to get all excited about these poles. We, (the more intelligent) all don't have ADD, Oh Look, A Chicken! 

So to my viewers, I'm really sorry I, (nor any other of our crack reporters) were willing to go to Stephen Decatur High School at 4:00 in the morning to capture this breaking news story. I have to admit, WBOC got one up on me on that one.


  1. Bollocks to your bollards.

  2. It's amazing how much tax money can be wasted by government schools and the teachers wonder why we balk at them getting pay raises. Maybe they should start having honest conversations with their administrators.

  3. It's a barrier you moron lol

  4. Armed response teams that go from school to school for 1/4 hrs UNANNOUNCED.?

  5. The lives they save will be from stopping a yeehaw teenager losing control of his big brother's monster truck in the parking lot and accidentally driving it into the building.

  6. ...which has never happened, 8:04, but thanks for the prime example of why the money was wasted.


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