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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Kamala Harris Endorses Former NAACP President in Race for Maryland Governor

Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) on Friday endorsed Maryland gubernatorial candidate Ben Jealous, becoming the latest nationally-known progressive to back the former NAACP president's bid for governor.

Harris, who many observers believe is weighing a possible 2020 presidential run, did not mention incumbent Gov. Larry Hogan (R.) by name in her endorsement, opting instead to keep the focus on President Donald Trump and the national political environment.

"Ben is a champion of working people," Harris said in a statement, the Washington Post reported. "Everyday we see the damage being done to our country by this administration and we need leaders in our states like Ben, who have shown the political courage our families need right now."

According to a member of the Jealous campaign who spoke to the Post, Harris has also agreed to hold a rally for the former NAACP executive in the near future.

Jealous, a political newcomer who is mounting his first bid for elective office, took to Twitter on Friday to express his gratitude to Harris for the endorsement.

Jealous is one of nine Democrats vying to unseat Hogan this fall. He has attempted to distinguish himself in the crowded primary by staking out left-wing stances in favor of free college tuition, Medicare-for-All, and a $15 minimum wage.



  1. The Party of Liberal Jim!

  2. I would put a lot of weight on a snowflake from California endorsement. A state that has bankrupt itself
    Let’s get real

    1. She will be running for president and the democrats champion. Everything you see and read involving marches is all for her to campaign on. She is not a nice person.


  3. Barack Obama had a white mother; his presumed father was a genuine black from Africa. So being bi-racial obviously makes him black.

    Ben Jealous had a white father; his mother was black. So being bi-racial obviously makes him black.

    Maybe the famous genealogist Fauxahontas can provide an accurate explanation for these guys self-classification.

  4. Must be a lot of green branches in the Democrat party if they don't realize Hillary is their frontrunner.

  5. Other States should not be involved in another States politics. That is fixing elections. Is that not what Russia being accused of doing? Why is it illegal for other Countries but not other States?


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