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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Omnibus Spending Bill Allows More Illegal Aliens to Be Released into U.S. Through 'Catch and Release'

The omnibus spending bill, passed by the Republican-controlled House and Senate, will allow more illegal aliens to be released into the United States after they are caught crossing the southern border through the “Catch and Release” program.

The spending bill, which Trump signed despite opposition from conservatives and his base of supporters, paves way for the Catch and Release program to not only continue, but increase in its use.

Catch and Release is the process where illegal aliens caught by federal immigration officials are released back into the U.S. until their immigration court hearing. Part of the reason for their release into the country is because the federal government refuses to fund the space needed to detain illegal aliens until their hearing.

After being released, illegal aliens often do not show up for their court hearing and become quasi-fugitives living in the interior of the country, adding to the already booming 12 to 30 million illegal alien population.


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