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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Omnibus Bill Includes Specific Clause Barring Funding for Donald Trump ‘Wall’

The 2,232 page Omnibus bill includes a specific clause barring funding for a wall on the southern border that mirrors the new prototypes already there.

The bill reads:

The amounts designated in subsection (a)(2) through (a)(4) shall only be available for operationally effective designs deployed as of the date of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017, (Public Law 115–31), such as currently deployed steel bollard designs, that prioritize agent safety.

The clause allows Democrats to say that the bill does not fund Trump’s wall, and allows Republicans claiming that border security funding includes funding for a “wall system.” Speaker Paul Ryan’s office issued talking points praising the funding for “95 miles of border wall system.”

The funding will be primarily used for border fencing and “bollard” fencing.

Here is a list of what the omnibus bill plans to spend on the following border security projects:


  1. Democrats better have fun now. Trump is really pissed that he had to give that much up to bolster the military. For the ones who just listen to liberals whining about fake Russian collusion, the military (every branch) was robbing their equipment to keep pieces functional. Planes couldn't fly, computers were old, tanks couldn't run, etc. It was necessary.
    The next time around, he's gonna throw a chain around their neck and throw them overboard.
    If the democrats can survive for that long.
    Mueller keeps finding stuff but the problem is, it all points to DEMOCRATS lying, cheating, stealing, subverting the election process, selling influence, and committing numerous acts of obstruction and perjury.
    Two Sets of Laws will save them all.
    You keep cheering?? YOU would already be IN PRISON.

  2. The funds are there.


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