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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Gun Control March Organizer Mocks Teens Who Disagree

One of the students who survived the attack at a Florida high school last month where 17 students and staff were killed mocked teens who disagree with the premise of the March for Our Lives protest taking place on Saturday in Washington, DC to demand more restrictive gun laws.

A host of National Public Radio’s Morning Edition asked Cameron Kasky, 17, about young people who disagree with him about guns.

“I’ve read some really interesting op-eds by students about your age who say, you know, ‘I’m growing up in rural America. Guns are part of my family’s culture. I like target shooting. I don’t think guns are a bad thing,’” Noel King noted.

“What do you say to a 17-year-old who fundamentally disagrees with you about some of this stuff?” King asked.

“Well, I say we’re marching to protect you from other people like you who have guns,” Kasky said. “And I say that target shooting, while it is a sport, we’ve become the targets.”

“We’re the targets now,” Kasky said. “We are running away from people like you.”

More here


  1. 11 teens die every day as a result of texting while driving. I'll give up my guns when he gives up his phone.

  2. Looked like 30 year old college students...LOl

  3. Tell them to take two tide pods and call you in the morning

  4. Paid for by Soros, Bloomberg, their backed liberal organizations and other Liberal millionaires such as Hollywood. These Young people are being severely brainwashed and indoctrinated into the ways of anarchy instead of the ways of the Constitution.

  5. Democrats, stoking hate nationally, one child at a time.

  6. Children being used
    Plain and simple

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