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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Hillary fundraiser causes a stink with the DNC

Just as Democratic donors thought they’d finally put away wallets for Hillary Clinton, she’s coming back to NYC for a fund-raiser for her nonprofit — while also creating a party stink by throwing the bash at the exact same time as an event for DNC chairman Tom Perez.

Clinton will be in town on April 30 for her “Onward Together” organization, to support young political leaders.

With great fanfare, Clinton announced in an email to her 2016 supporters that she is launching the Onward Together Leadership Council and that they could become charter members — in return for coughing up at least $10,000.

The email states, “Charter members . . . are an esteemed network of supporters who pledge to contribute $10,000 and up. Members will receive updates, briefings and invitations . . .”



  1. She's the gift that keeps on giving...just like a cases of herpes!

  2. Sorry. This Bitch has used up the second generation of baby boomer and minorities. Now she's going after the younger #Enough generation. I wish all these these old generation of farts will just die. I'm real tired of Hildabeast Clinton, Warren, Pelosi, Sanders, that big and loud mouth I'm gonna impeach the Donald black female congress women from California and all of the Democrats party representative that have made promises, possibilities and maybe's to NO AVAIL. Just Retire and die.

  3. Couldn't be any better.
    Hillary is like herpes to the DNC, keeps coming back over and over.

  4. If they didn't hand over $10,000 or more, they wouldn't be held in such esteem.
    Hillary's "nonprofit" is a scam.

  5. Hillary is still the Democrat frontrunner.

  6. If it stinks, it's probably Hillary.

  7. Hillary Clinton Launches Unlimited ‘Dark Money’ Group “Onward Together,”
    What a crap website - hardly any information on it and liberal idiots will still "donate" to yet another Clinton cash cow. It is listed as a 501(c)(4) so Hillary can maximize her profit margins without paying taxes. According to the IRS, a 501(c)(4) is a "Social welfare organization: Civic leagues or organizations not organized for profit but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare." That basically means what she does with the funds is pretty much limitless. She could put every penny in her pocket and simply say "I promote social welfare." To top it all off is the people donating can not even deduct it on their taxes. Another scam just like her Foundation. Disgusting but no one seems to care that they are the corrupt ones. The group, according to an aide, will be a 501(c)(4) with a connected PAC, meaning money raised through the political nonprofit will not have to disclose donors. A Clinton aide said the group will "follow the guidelines," meaning they will not release their list of donors.]

  8. Even if Hillery backs down we will still hear from Chelsea next.

  9. this is deplorable


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