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Saturday, March 24, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Hatians

Good morning Mr. Albero,
I usually go to the Bank of America located across the street from the University in Salisbury. The past 4 to 6 months, I’ve noticed an increase in what appears to be Haitians at the bank. No matter what time I go it seems to be at least a dozen+ of them in the bank at one time. I am just curious if you know anything as to why there are so many immigrants coming into Salisbury now who do have trouble speaking English. Does the mayor have some trade deal with Haiti going on? I seriously feel like I am in Miami minus the weather...

Thanks for your input


  1. Salisbury is a hotspot for Haitians... But why would it matter??

    1. Live with one for a week and then answer your own question.

  2. Salisbury closely resembles their homeland. High crime rate and no jobs.

  3. Salisbury and lower delegate have always had a large Haitian population. They used to send a lot of money back to Hatai. Ever since the earthquake some have just brought the rest of their families over here

  4. It matters because the majority of these people are takers and we are the payers.

  5. 12:27 PM because they lived in a shithole and bring their way of living here. We have a guy that rents a unit in our building and he caters to haitians and since they have moved in our office building is now filthy. They leave trash everywhere. They can be loud and rude. We now work in a third world building.

  6. Crime that's why!! Caught a group of them over off of riverside pine bluff area walking through yards, checking cars to see if doors locked etc

  7. Because we have a lack of jobs for the people of Wicomico county and importing immigrants to take jobs from city and county residents doesn't serve the community.

  8. Omg are you scared? Why do you care?

    1. Why?? Where do you think all of this money comes from to support these people? Second I would bet 99% of them are here illegally

  9. They have caught on real quick oh how to work the system they get welfae ,ebt. housing medical and have 12 living in 1 house they are very nasty people i saw them eat lunch in a bathroom at a chicken plant. Think about that a guy is back there taking a dump and mr barack haitian is sitting an bench eating rice.

  10. Their here to vote.

  11. And then live like PIGS.

  12. Salisbury is following the Maryland sanctuary state leadership. SPD will do nothing. Let me catch them walking in my yard or around my vehicles and they will be there when the Police arrive. I have NO TRESPASSING signs up so for their sake they better be able to read ENGLISH.

  13. Perdue processing plant.

  14. I think there is an office over off Clement ave, helping them get here. I'm sure this has something with why they are attracted to Salisbury. Saw a group today at Walmart.

  15. Has anyone thought to befriend one? I don't believe ALL are bad and I'm sure they miss their country, but want something better for them and their family. Are they Illegals, or are they here legally? Do you know for sure?

  16. They live across the street from me nothing but loud mouth layabouts.

  17. And you wonder why your city has become so trashy and disgusting. You're turning over the reigns to people like Jake Day who supports liberal welfare entitlement. His daddy supports it because let's face it who else would work at Purdue processing plant for $8/hour? Your city is nothing more than a welfare sanctuary city and will only get worse

    1. Jake day is a puppet on a string. His so called friends making money off of government housing and construction. Daddy gets his low level employees and Jake gets to continue to parade around like the second coming of Jesus Christ.

  18. There nasty people, PERIOD!! l
    Look how they lived in Haiti and now live in Salisbury!!

  19. 11:50 Befriend one,what are you nuts that would be like befriending a ratlle snake.

  20. I don’t see them immigrating to Russia or China. They know better. The best way to destroy America and the capitalist system is with color.


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