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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

White House Considering Confiscating Guns From "Dangerous People"

President Trump confirmed on Friday that he would support stricter firearms regulations, including a proposal to strengthen the federal background check system and raising the minimum age for buying a semi-automatic weapon to 21 - something the powerful National Rifle Association has said it opposes.

But, as Bloomberg reports, The White House is considering the idea of using restraining orders to take firearms away from people considered "dangerous" as part of its response to last week’s massacre at a Florida high school, two people familiar with the matter said.

Under extreme risk protection orders, which are also known as red flag laws or gun violence restraining orders,firearms can be confiscated from people found to be at risk.

As The New Yorks Times reports, it is difficult to measure the effectiveness of red flag laws, in part because it is impossible to count mass shootings, or other tragedies, that were avoided.

That said, the authorities in states with the laws, including Connecticut, Indiana, Oregon and Washington, say they have seen patterns: upticks in the use of such laws after mass shootings in other places.

The measures were also used in situations far different from the mass shooting scenarios they were originally conceived to prevent. Most often, guns were removed from people not seen as threats to large groups or public gatherings, but as risks to themselves or to their families, or suffering from debilitating illnesses such as Alzheimer’s or alcoholism.



  1. 30 million guns are not nearly as dangerous as progressive communism with the stroke of a pen.

    1. And that same pen in the hand of a president with an IQ that matches his shoe size.

  2. Every shooter had two things in common one they used a gun and two they were liberals. Why address half the issue ?

    1. Three they had metal issues which democRAT school officials did NOTHING ABOUT in order to go after the NRA.

  3. 1:17 great logic, they were all also male...

  4. But...but...I was told Obama was gonna take me guns!

    Also, 1:17...might wanna check your facts, every shooter we've had has been a raging conservative, Vegas, Orlando, San Bernardino, even this latest kid wore a MAGA hat in his Instagram profile. But sure, keep drinking that Kool Aid.

    1. Your wrong and full of S..T shootings are happening in Democrat gun free Zones.

    2. People like you belong in a nice liberal County like siria Iraq Iran.fool.

  5. Siria? Is that where Siri lives?

  6. Anonymous said...
    But...but...I was told Obama was gonna take me guns!

    Also, 1:17...might wanna check your facts, every shooter we've had has been a raging conservative, Vegas, Orlando, San Bernardino, even this latest kid wore a MAGA hat in his Instagram profile. But sure, keep drinking that Kool Aid.
    February 28, 2018 at 5:19 PM

    Actually, BOTH of you "kool-aid drinkers" are wrong. And those meme's that are posted on the internet about all the mass shooters being demoncrat,(or republican) are either false, mostly false, on unsubstantiated, except for the rare one or two. So PLEASE, stick to known facts, or lack thereof, and stop spreading false information. It only makes you look ignorant and inhibits decent conversations and any possible solutions.

    We don’t really know. It seams to be a mix of the political spectrum.
    But it is much easier to say that EXTREAMISTS do most mass shootings.
    The Extream right AND left make up most shooters.
    One thing that should be noted however is that in the last 998 mass shootings…. two where Muslim. And the other 996 where white (Almost all men)
    Almost none of them where Latino’s. None where Asians (Unless you count Middle Easterners of white two)

    A mass shooting may be committed by individuals or organizations in public or non-public places. Terrorist groups in recent times have used the tactic of mass shootings to fulfill their political aims. Individuals who commit mass shootings may fall into any of a number of categories, including killers of family, of coworkers, of students, and of random strangers. Individuals' motives for shooting vary.

    Looking at the profiles of all these shooters brings up many common characteristics. Loner, mental illness, violent outbursts and general creepiness. Political ideology is generally non-existent or incoherent, particularly among the mass shooters. Regardless of one’s view on politics or gun control, associating these killers with the Democratic Party (or conversely, with Republicans or Tea Party ideology) is a low blow that’s not backed up by facts, and the argument should be removed from any rational discourse.

  7. Lol
    Metal issues?
    As in: armed and dangerous?

    How about ONE thing in common:
    They are all Patsys of the intelligence agencies

  8. If Obama proposed this there would’ve been immediate armed marches and impeachment proceedings.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Metal issues?
    As in: armed and dangerous?

    How about ONE thing in common:
    They are all Patsys of the intelligence agencies
    February 28, 2018 at 8:15 PM

    I bet you sit at your pc drooling at the mouth just waiting for someone to misspell a word don't ya? (I'm not the author of the one you are ridiculing)

    Let me just say this, a misspelled word is more pardonable than a crazy statement you made. They were all patsies of the intelligence agencies?

    I think you people need more blood flow to the brain housing group.


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