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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

STUDY: Schools safer today than in 1990s...

Despite the horror of the high school massacre in Florida, U.S. schools overall are safer today than they were in the early 1990s, and there is not an epidemic of such shootings, a new academic study is reporting.

Researchers at Northeastern University say mass school shootings are extremely rare, that shootings involving students have been declining since the 1990s, and four times as many children were killed in schools in the early 1990s than today.

“There is not an epidemic of school shootings,” said James Alan Fox, the Lipman Family Professor of Criminology, Law and Public Policy at Northeastern. He said more children die each year from pool drownings or bicycle accidents.

There are about 55 million school children in the U.S., the study said, and over the past 25 years, about 10 students on average per year were killed by gunfire at school.



  1. There was a time when school shootings just didn't happen.
    What's different now?

  2. "There was a time when school shootings just didn't happen. "

    Really? When was that? Google Charles Whitman, just one example and that was 52 years ago.

  3. 204
    No difference.

    The US Government (and Israel) are behind ALL terror actions in the world.

  4. As a teacher during that time period, I can say that while I was never in a school shooting, my colleagues were their own worst enemies - zero situational awareness, exterior doors left open frequently, and no idea in the world the a serious or life threatening event could occur. Now that I am retired, I continue to heard from others still working that nothing has much changed in their mindset - the first step towards safety is awareness. I hope some teachers reading this blog would get that point and think about safety everyday.


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