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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Survey: Americans Blame School Shooting on Government, Not Guns

The latest Rasmussen Reports survey shows that Americans blame government rather than guns for the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.

According to Rasmussen, 54% of Americans believe government failure is to “blame for the mass shooting.” Only 33% of Americans blame guns. Eleven percent of Americans say they are unsure what contributed to the occurrence of the mass shooting.

When the sample group was adjusted so as to focus only on Americans “who have children of elementary or secondary school age,” the percentage of Americans who cite government failure as causal jumped to 61 and the percentage who blamed guns dropped to 23.

On February 23 Breitbart News summarized government’s failure:


  1. It was govt. failure but what are we going to do about it?

  2. put the blame where it belongs on the person holding the gun not on the gun. the gun will not go out looking for someone to kill but it's the sicko that will use a gun to do harm. wake up and smell the air that you breath. (map)

  3. Still swallowing the rhetoric....sheesh wake up people, guns dont kill, PEOPLE kill.

  4. Instead of banning guns, maybe we should ban government


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