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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Utah woman charged $702 fine to get back her stolen car

A Tooele woman said she had to pay a hefty bill to get her car back after it was stolen over the weekend.

Police and the towing company said that's because they were following policy and state law when the stolen vehicle was found and recovered.

It's a policy that many might not know about, but the situation could happen to anyone.

Andrea Igloe didn't expect to find her car missing after bible study Saturday evening from her church on Main Street in Tooele.

"I just walked outside and it was gone," she said.

The car was locked and she had the keys. She said the car thief or thieves had to break in, then jump start the vehicle.



  1. Sue the town, city or county if you have to... You shouldn't have to pay for someone else crime, but where are the ass cheek sucking cop lovers to defend cops that do this to innocent people??? Because after all the ass cheek sucking cop lovers famous statement is that it is your fault why a crime happened to you, and it is your fault why cops don't protect and serve you, but instead abuse you, hate your rights, hates america for hating your rights, and for why they murder unarmed people considering they are trained cowards...

    1. I've been a police officer for 18 years I'm not a coward and I don't murder people. Have a nice day, thank you.

  2. 1035
    Maybe not, but you do enforce Statutory Laws.

    Statutory Law is not Constitutional.

    Educate yourself sir.

  3. 10:35..........perfect response.


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