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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Swimming in cold water could relieve pain

Swimming in cold water could be an alternative to strong painkillers, doctors believe.

A short, sharp plunge into the open sea cured a British man of the debilitating pain he had been suffering for two and a half months.

Experts at Cambridge University and the University of East Anglia have now called for research into cold-water therapy as a treatment for serious pain, in light of his case.

Doctors believe the shock of sudden immersion may have disrupted his nervous system, jolting him out of a cycle of pain.



  1. Physicians/Doctors "practice" in the medical field right? SO this report, Doctors "BELIEVE".....swimming in cold "could" relieve pain..."

    So common sense doesn't come into play anymore?
    C'mon man!

  2. Will I feel better if I hug the cold shoulder my wife gives me on occasion?

  3. Ice helps "calm" pain too.


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