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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Student's Science Fair Project Connecting Race And IQ Sparks Investigation

An investigation has been launched into a California high school student's science fair project connecting race and IQ, reports The Los Angeles Times. The school district is reportedly investigating how the controversial project was able to be put on display at the fair in the first place.

The student, who is said to be of Asian descent and is enrolled in C.K. McClatchy High School's advanced Humanities and International Studies (HISP) program, hypothesized that the lack of racial diversity in the HISP program was tied to IQ, in his project aptly titled "Race and IQ."

The project was submitted to the school's fourth annual science fair on Monday, but after sparking sufficient outrage by staff, students, and community members, the project was removed on Wednesday.

"If the average IQs of blacks, Southeast Asians, and Hispanics are lower than the average IQs of non-Hispanic whites and Northeast Asians, then the racial disproportionality in (HISP) is justified," said the hypothesis of the project.

The student's project concluded that the racial disproportionality of HISP was "justified."

“The lower average IQs of blacks, Southeast Asians, and nonwhite Hispanics means that they are not as likely as non-Hispanic whites and Northeast Asians to be accepted into a more academically rigorous program such as HISP. Therefore, the racial disproportionality of HISP is justified," stated the project.



  1. Imagine that a high school aged person would recognize a certain anomaly in his own personal situation, then use scientific methods and facts to try to understand it.

    He must be shut down and punished for this type of behavior!

    There will be NO independent thinking at THIS school!

  2. IQ is one measure of ability but not the only one and it certainly does not guarantee success. I've know a few 140+ IQ people and they were brilliant at certain things but lagged behind the general public in other ways, especially their people skills.
    That said the student should be able to do their project on whatever they want and it should be graded only on it's methodology.

  3. Typical snowflake thinking. Facts cannot be allowed if they hurt my feelings!

  4. A student attempting to use his/her brain in school. Tell me it "ain't" so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Aside from adults trying to stomp this out. Right/wrong, maybe there is hope yet for the younger generation in using their brains!!!!!!!!!!

    Gosh I hope so. I also hope the adults aren't part of the cause of the snowflake gen!

  5. Interesting that the student came up with a basis for his thesis. It bears out what a a few have been thinking (and fewer saying in this socialist PC environment) for quite a while!

    The student should be allowed to present his thesis, basis, and conclusions from a scientific perspective. If it is repeatable, he has uncovered something that can be acted upon - if the desire exists to rectify - and I don't mean another Affirmative Action program!

  6. Truth is truth,facts are facts.

  7. Many other professors and scientists have stated the same from research that goes back for centuries. It's not politically correct in this climate to discuss this. Public schools separate students in elementary school based on this. I personally don't believe IQ determines everything. There are successful people out there who have scored low on IQ tests. I think we are all born with certain gifts and not everyone in this world should be graded on this factor alone. Future discrimination won't be based on race, but IQ. See the movie Gattica. Way ahead of its time, but is the wave of the near future as technology takes away low skilled jobs.

  8. This boy is not that smart. He just ruined the HISP program. Can everybody guess what's going to happen Next?

  9. Imagine the blowup should that had been a Caucasian, and not an Asian, who did that project. The ramifications would have been all over the NEWS.

  10. I do not know what to say. I am shocked and dismayed that this has been confirmed. LOL really spend five minutes with a certain class of people in the U.S. and the ignorance is overwhelming. Yet the control all sports that include speed and warm climate. Wait till they find a way to warm the ice rink .

  11. OMG! Using actual facts to show that Blacks are dumber than others, he going to get in trouble!
    He is going to show that we have to lower requirements to colleges, good jobs, social groups, all to let them be admitted.

    White men caused this, it is whities fault blacks don't test higher on the IQ tests!


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