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Saturday, February 03, 2018

The C.E.O. of the Humane Society of the United States resigned after sexual harassment allegations and an uprising from staff and donors

The executive, Wayne Pacelle, had held onto support from the majority of the organization’s board, which voted on Thursday to immediately end an investigation into his behavior.

Yet by Friday afternoon, some donors and employees of the organization were distancing themselves from him and calling for him to leave. In an email to staff, Mr. Pacelle said on Friday that because “our mission depends on unity,” he was stepping aside to allow a search for a successor to begin.


  1. The organization had more than $210 million in net assets at the end of 2016,

    Yet they beg for money and cry poor every single day.

  2. Just say he grabbed your butt or he said you look pretty today and you will get his job. He will be publicly humiliated lose job home wife kids. . Never have to call police, go to court and provide proof. Just accuse. Welcome to 2018.

  3. 12:52 The HSUS doesn't "cry poor." They do ask for donations but have never said they are in dire need of funds. But to the topic at hand. Pacelle I think was a little to radical for the HSUS.

  4. It's a Sorry World out there , you can say
    it and the other person has to prove they didn't.
    What the heck ever happened "Innocent till
    proven Guilty?"


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