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Saturday, February 03, 2018

NYC’s hotels need homeless people to stay in business

Don’t look now, but more homeless people are coming to a nice hotel near you.

The Post reported on Thursday that the city now pays to put up a mind-boggling 11,000 homeless people in hotels — nearly one in six of the roughly 61,000 previously in shelters — costing taxpayers an average $222 a night compared with $150 a night in shelters.

The Big Apple’s hotels are making less money than they were a few years ago, and owners are scrambling for bucks as they see the value of their properties tumble. The recent creation of tens of thousands of new rooms, as well as competition from Airbnb, has driven down room rates and the city’s hotel market is “performing like mushy apple sauce,” says industry journal Hotel Management.

Mayor de Blasio, ever eager to throw Band-Aids at serious crises, offered to fill empty rooms with homeless people, taking large bunches of rooms, or even entire hotels, off owners’ hands, sometimes for more than they’d make from regular guests. And hoteliers are more than willing to play along. Their business, after all, depends on it.



  1. Ha. Hey Ricky in City Hall - you reading this? Opportunity to fill your hotel rooms mid week and get something for nothing!!


  2. Just who I want staying next to me in a hotel. Most are mentally unstable, criminals, pedophile and drug users.

  3. Just wait until the real economy crashes.


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