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Saturday, February 03, 2018

Goose Falls From Sky, Sends Waterfowl Hunter To Shock Trauma

An Eastern Shore waterfowl hunter was flown to Shock Trauma Thursday, according to the Maryland Natural Resources Police.

Investigators say 51-year-old Robert Meilhammer was hunting with others in Easton near the Miles River shortly before 5 p.m. when a dead goose fell from the sky, knocked unconscious and caused him head and facial injuries.



  1. amazing this story went nationwide, or at least to me it is. I read some of the comments on a local tv stations FB page. One asshat from Milford stood out. He was very unsympathetic and ignorant in my view and he didn't seem to mind knowing the whole world thought that.

    He was equating geese as being in families, with brothers, sisters, mom and dad, all of the same references to a human family. Even calling hunting murder. He claims to have been a carpenter from the age of 8 and retired at the age of 39 with x number of cars, houses, and whatever else.

    This is the world we live in now with people like him thinking to kill and eat wildlife is something to be ashamed of. My only reasoning for him speaking and acting like this is he must be totally ignorant of the ways of the world and/or have some mental deficient for him to believe all of what he was spewing.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and he is no exception, but to have people like that walking among us, AND breeding his own offspring is concerning and scary to me. I do hope each of his offspring has their own independent thought process and are not overly influenced by his misguided thinking and belief system.

    The man hit by this goose, the size of a small turkey, could have been killed. He may still have some brain damage from this and I think I read he has a bleeding brain, along with two teeth being knocked out and damage to his head and face.

    Is society becoming that detached from humanity that others can laugh and joke about another's serious health problems so easily and in such a nonchalant manner?

    Or is it just me? Am I being overly-sensitive to another's plight? Have we succeeded in becoming so distant and uncaring about a fellow human being that we cheer for such a misfortunate incident? Equating the life of a bird to be equal to that of a human being?

  2. I sincerely hope the hunter will be OK. It'll make a great story to be told for many years.
    But I can't help drawing a parallel to this with a bull goring the matador.
    Sometimes you root for the bull....

  3. And no one told him to duck?

  4. Talk about the sky is falling. Prayers to the hunter.

  5. 229
    It was a goose.

  6. Yes, hope he's Ok too.

    There's a Great poem written by one
    of the Ward Brothers about his killing a
    goose, what he saw and what he
    decided about hunting. It's quite
    beautifully written.

  7. Now that's revenge for you!

  8. Duck, duck. . . GOOSE!

  9. Hunting in today’s world is not the same as the hunters and gatherers of yesterday. The technology of today’s weaponry far exceeds the natural instincts of animals. It is not “hunting” to bait, place cameras and motion sensors, build an elevated, conditioned shelter and then shoot a BIG BUCK from 500 yards. Wow! What an achievement. You may be a harvester, but not a hunter.

  10. 14 pound bird, 30mph fall = about 420 foot pounds.
    About the same energy as a .357 magnum round at 50 yards, but with wider dispersion.

    1. Your math is off. It is not merely A x B. Kinetic energy is calculated by multiplying 1/2 the mass times the square of the velocity.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Hunting in today’s world is not the same as the hunters and gatherers of yesterday. The technology of today’s weaponry far exceeds the natural instincts of animals. It is not “hunting” to bait, place cameras and motion sensors, build an elevated, conditioned shelter and then shoot a BIG BUCK from 500 yards. Wow! What an achievement. You may be a harvester, but not a hunter.
    February 3, 2018 at 7:51 PM

    oh good Lord, really?

  12. Using an online force calculator I found the below results. The 20lb "person" would be the goose. If the weight of the goose is lighter or heavier it would change the results as would if the fall were greater or less than one hundred feet.

    You chose to evaluate a 20 pound person falling 100 feet with a fall arrested distance of 1 feet.

    The approximate total FORCE generated is 2020 pounds

    Your force exceeds ANSI standards. You must reduce your force to less than 1800 lbs


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