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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

FBI Never Contacted Google After "Professional Shooter" YouTube Threat Reported

As we dig further into the monumental breakdown in protocol between the FBI and Florida officials which could have prevented 17 deaths in the Valentines Day massacre at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida - Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) revealed on Friday that the FBI never contacted Google - which owns YouTube, after it was reported that suspect Nikolas Cruz, under his own name, said "I'm going to be a professional school shooter" in a YouTube video comment last September.

When the uploader of the video, Ben Bennight, contacted the FBI shortly after Cruz left the comment, officials spoke with him for 20 minutes, after which there was no follow up until the same agent or agents came to his home on Wednesday.

In a press conference late last week, Special Agent Robert Lansky who is in charge of the Miami FBI division said that the FBI received the tip, however they were "unable to further identify" the person who made the comment, despite conducting "database reviews" and "checks."

"No other information was included with that comment, which would indicate a time, location or the true identity of the person who made the comment," Lasky said. "The FBI conducted database reviews, checks, but was unable to further identify the person who actually made the comment."



  1. Gov't has scarce resources to follow up/research every instance of someone threatening or perceived as a threat.

    We are a nation who is first to scream of gov't being to BIG (don't take my guns, freedom of speech, stop raising taxes, personal privacy, etc.), but we also are first to scream when gov't doesn't do enough!

    Can't have it both ways - nor should we!

    1. We don't have it both ways, we have it no ways. A quarter of every dollar you make goes to pay an alphabet soup of incompetence. Then when something happens the media (the 4th branch of the government) tells you it's your fault because you have too many rights.

  2. A lot of heads need to roll.

  3. Nothing new here. Our government, CIA,FBI,DEA, FDA, and corporations of the deep state network have been hard at work running deceptive ops (i.e creating crisis situation to take advantage of the turmoil it creates) They did it during oklahoma bombing, 911, vegas and school shootings. It an evil agenda from the NWO SATANIC globalist. They are well aware or even involved on whats about to go down. Just let it happen to further the sick agenda.

  4. This isn't even a threat. He wasn't threatening to do anything. He was telling what he was going to do. He said he is "GOING TO BE" not I want to be but he was GOING to be a professional school shooter.
    Bottom line the government failed every step they could. What's amazing are those who think more laws on the books which it's up to the government to enforce is going to solve anything. When did so many of the human race become so stupid?

  5. 12:25 The government certainly does have the resources. In this case they ignored dozens of things that would have resulted in not only felony arrests but involuntary commitment. It was ignored due to one thing and one thing only-democrat policies and it is going on nationwide.
    He wasn't arrested due to an obama/holder initiative aimed at reducing the number of students -esp minority students- arrested. If schools showed a reduction they received federal funds. So democrat school boards and democrat sheriffs who are masters at creating illusion for the incredibly dumb democrat voters stopped arresting students or downgraded their crimes so they could show a reduction.
    This is how democrats operate.

  6. "Gov't has scarce resources to follow up/research every instance of someone threatening or perceived as a threat."

    True, but when I want to know something the first thing I use is Google. If the FBI and other agencies had used Google it would have been quick, easy and accurate.

  7. it is the person holding the gun that kills. the gun didn't go out looking for someone to kill nor did the gun buy a person. so why hate the gun. if someone breaks into your home with a gun what do you do tackle the gun or the person? come people wake up. THINK for once. (map)


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