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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Sure, I’ll Say It: ‘Liberals Don’t Want to Stop School Shootings’

Know who else acts as if they love school shootings? Liberals. The liberals you see on TV. The liberals you read on Twitter. The liberals writing columns. What else can you think after watching the way liberals behave after mass shootings with large body counts? It’s the same thing every time.

A terrible tragedy happens. Some nutjob/terrorist/angry dirtbag shoots a lot of people. Before the blood is even dry on the ground, liberals take to social media to claim the killer is a conservative and demand new gun laws. If you suggest that perhaps we should wait to find out what happened before we start bringing politics into this, they ignore it. If you suggest that we pray for the victims, they viciously criticize that idea and mock Christians in general. When you ask which gun laws would put a stop to mass murders, they have no answer. Then they scream that the NRA is full of murderers. Of course, the killer never turns out to actually be an NRA member. Furthermore, the NRA never advocates for anything other than the rights of law-abiding citizens. As a matter of fact, when a shooter killed people in a Texas church in November of last year, it was an NRA member who stopped him.

Yet and still, after working themselves up into a frenzy screaming that the NRA is composed of murderers, after howling that law-abiding gun owners are killers, liberals move on to demand that we “DO SOMETHING.” The “something” involved is seldom defined and even when it is, it pretty clearly won’t stop school shootings. At this point, suspicious conservatives suggest that liberals seem to be angling for gun confiscation, something that would never work in America. Some liberals respond to this by saying, “That’s paranoia! Nobody wants that,” while others respond, “Hell yes, it’s time for gun confiscation.”



  1. What? What is wrong with us? "Liberals" don't want to stop school shootings?

    EVERYONE wants to stop gun shootings. NO ONE is in support of school shootings.

    What is wrong with everyone that THIS is the narrative?

    If you think this headline and article represents any sort of news or facts, then you are the problem and not the solution and need to get out of the way.

    I am a Conservative 2nd Ammendment supporting gun owner, and I recognize that this sort of polarization is poison.

    The headline and article should be "Sensational Polarizing News Media in Support of School Shootings". Think about it... it gets ratings and views, help sells ads, keeps us divided so nothing ever gets done, and we can keep coming back to the media because the confirmation bias makes us feel good and superior.

    Lets stop this whole ridiculous mess of STUPID.

  2. Ok 8:14. In general you are correct. But I guarantee you there are good number in the democratic party that are not disappointed by mass shootings. They are a party that believes the means justify the end. Just look at abortion. They simply cannot kill enough babies!!

  3. It's the truth. Democrats want school shooting to happen. It is one of the few things they have to run on-vilifying Republicans. Democrats have fought tooth and nail to prevent anything that makes schools safer. Over 20 years ago they fought against even having video cameras in schools. Face the facts. Democrats are not normal. They are not good people. They are all dishonest and they all lie.
    And just for the record and more proof that the democrats want school shootings to happen is that it was proposed years ago by the Republicans and endorsed by the NRA to strengthen laws which would prevent more of the mentally ill to obtain firearms and it was shot down by democrats because they didn't want to "stigmatize" anyone. Democrats are evil and are doing nothing other then the devil's work on earth. Time to face the facts.

  4. Yup
    Because they can go after the NRA

  5. Obama said about Sandy Hook that "at least they won't grow up to be Republicans".


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