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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

What Liberals Don’t Understand: A Serious Attempt at Gun Confiscation Could Lead to Civil War

Liberals love to fantasize about confiscating every gun in America. It may be their most beautiful dream. Liberals get control of the Supreme Court and ignore the Second Amendment; Washington makes gun ownership illegal; almost all the guns come pouring in or are destroyed; a few hapless Jim Bobs who won’t get in line get shot up by the cops and then the government is free to do anything it wants and if people don’t like it, well, what are they going to do about it without guns?

Let me suggest a less happy, but probably more accurate version of how an attempt at gun confiscation would likely go. Liberals get control of the Supreme Court and ignore the Second Amendment followed by Washington making gun ownership illegal. So far, so good, right? Then the vast majority of police departments across the country refuse to do more than accept weapons that are turned in and, of course, very few citizens actually hand over their weapons. At this point, D.C. would have no choice other than to accept that gun confiscation is impossible, which would be the most likely outcome.

Or, alternately, D.C. could hire goon squads in local communities to go house to house to confiscate weapons. Yes, people would be killed in conflicts with the police and goon squads that come to take their guns. Liberals would cheer. They would not be cheering when police chiefs, officers, and goon squad members who carry out these orders are assassinated at their homes by armed people from their own communities.



  1. Damn right! I am willing to die for my guns, and when I go down I will take a bunch with me! 60 million gun owners can kill a load of police and soldiers.

  2. Give them an inch, they will want a mile.
    Socialism revolutions dont happen overnight. They start by the government taking little things from the populous, slowly overtime - always saying it's for our own good.
    As long as Gyorgy Soros is still alive, this will be the liberal-socialist- democrat mantra.

  3. Those of us without guns will get guns!
    Those of us that are not NRA members will join!

    Gun confiscation is part of what lead to the revolutionary war in the first place!

    These clowns should read the history books before they re-write them!

    1. This may be hard for you to wrap your tiny head around but there is a difference between a world power attempting to seize the arms of a revolting colony in the 1700s and a country attempting to pass gun control laws to stop the all to common occurrence of mass killings exacerbated by easy access to semi automatic rifles.

  4. How would a Civil war start in modern America? No one will be marching from Richmond to Gettysburg.

  5. All posters: That is all great, fine and dandy that you say you will fight back if they come for your guns, but I hardly doubt any of you will... When push comes to shove and they have 10 men stacked out front if they even go that route, most of the time they will get you while driving, you all will fold like a deck of cards under a rock...

    I would check out Maryland shall issue website, they keep up with all of the bills on gun control, good or bad... So far there are 71, and only a few are for the good... They are planning to pass a law that will make it illegal to buy, sell or even own or posses a clip or magazine that holds more than 10 rounds... With no compensation... So let that sink in for a while... They also want to ban assault style weapons that take detachable mags or clips of more than 10 rounds which in the end trickle down to hand guns...

  6. We have the addresses and names.
    The politicians get hung FIRST.
    But it won't stop there.
    There are a lot of cheerleaders, facilitators, and enforcers. They get theirs, too. There won't be any prisoners, either.
    There will ABSOLUTELY be NO ---- none, zero, ANY -- gun confiscations.
    Even the stupidest, dumbest, and socialist of liberals KNOWS they wouldn't last a week. It would be like lighting the fuse on a stick of dynamite and then just putting it in your back pocket. Only worse. They'd finally get a chance to see the God they don't believe in....
    They also know the police will be busy protecting themselves and politicians.
    Against 80 million really pissed off citizens.
    Having names and addresses will speed up the process.
    I'm always amused at people who want to take our guns, but don't actually want to be the ones doing the confiscations.
    I don't blame them. I just want to point out their cowardice.
    Keep cheering.

  7. NOBODY is taking my guns while I'm alive.

  8. 9:43 Yes and I will kill Hillary Clinton first!

  9. Comment sense gun laws do t mean "taking your guns" stop being dramatic ya snowflakes...#triggered


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