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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Trump to visit San Diego, See Border wall prototypes

President Donald Trump is finally expected to go to California.

The president, who has rarely crossed the Mississippi River during his first 13 months in office, is scheduled to visit San Diego in mid-March to see prototypes for a potential border wall and learn more about the construction, according to administration officials involved in the planning.

He will also visit Los Angeles to attend a Republican National Committee fundraiser, these people said, one of a number of fundraisers he is expected to headline in the next two months.

The president's trip to California has been floated several times and later scuttled. Trump prefers to sleep in his own bed at night, and some of his aides have been leery of a trip to the border because of likely protests amid debate over the president's support for new immigration limits.



  1. No need for any wall if we had E verify mandatory for all employment, and another law that puts employers in prison for 5 years for hiring illegals. Ad to this last law a reward for turning in bosses that do hire illegals.

    No jobs for illegals, they will go home.

  2. And stop the welfare handouts to them as well, 12:36. Bio drivers licenses and no voting either. Stop the free crap and "privileges" and they will go home.

  3. If Dems love Mexico so much send them to the other side of the new WALL.

  4. Make it so your children born in the country is not automatically a citizen. Anchor babies are costing us a fortune. Their parents can't get benefits if they are illegal but they can collect benefits for the children if they were born here.

    I wonder if there are protests in San Diego over building the prototypes there. I'm shocked the liberals even allowed the company to do it there.

  5. It can't happen fast enough.

  6. Thank you 1236, I've been saying that for the longest. Too bad it is easier to demonize immigrants than it is farmer joe, the diner down the street, and the nearest processing plant that has been knowingly hiring illegals.

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