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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Democrats’ Filibuster Blocks Senate Immigration Debate

Democrats are blocking GOP Senators from debating proposals sought by GOP voters during the Senate’s debate on immigration, and are demanding the Senate only discuss the terms of an amnesty for millions of illegals.

The surprise Democratic filibuster began Tuesday morning when the Senate’s Majority Leader, GOP Sen. Mitch McConnell, introduced an amendment restricting sanctuary cities, which polls show are very unpopular. Sen. Chuck Schumer quickly refused consent, saying it “doesn’t address dreamers, nor does it address border security.”

“We need to be focusing on making laws that deal with those two issues, not making a point,” Schumer later told reporters. “We want to do two things – protect Dreamers and get 60 votes.”

“The path to sixty [votes] is by focusing” on just those issues, said Sen. Chris Coons who has drafted an amnesty bill with GOP Sen. John McCain. “I think we should stay on this topic until we get this job done,” Coons said, adding:

"If we build bipartisanship in solving this, something that has long been the hallmark of Senator [John] McCain’s leadership in this body for more than three decades, I think we then lay the groundwork for bigger and more important work."



  1. No. the real goal SHOULD BE to do what is right for the Citizens of the USA, NOT to protect dreamers and get 60 votes.

    That's what is inherently wrong there.

  2. Oh here we go again with CONgress. You are either LEGAL or not!

    Not LEGAL - do what's needed to become LEGAL or leave!

  3. NO amnesty!
    Build the wall!
    Charge the leadership of sanctuary cities with obstruction!

    The recent election was about this country - not potential democrat voters!

    The Coons-McCain bill is a sellout to the American citizens!

  4. Is Coons term up yet? I'd love to see a red Delaware.

  5. Everyone - needs to follow the laws of this country. From 0bama to illegals. Everyone!!

  6. Those idiots sure love to talk!!

  7. 7:40 AND 7:55 - Spot On, Exactly what needs to be done and/or what should happen. So sick of democRATS doing this crap. Just once, could they possibly do the right thing and make illegals leave if they don't want to become legal and quit protecting/hiding them.

  8. McCain has brain cancer. he should not be legislating

  9. 901, there is truth to that statement!

  10. McCain should change his party if he hasn't done so yet. He is not a conservative.


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