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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Michael Goodwin: Did Hillary Clinton pull off the dirtiest dirty trick in US presidential history?

For law enforcement, Congress and even journalists, exposing misdeeds is like peeling an onion. Each layer you remove gets you closer to the truth.

So it is with the scandalous behavior of the FBI during its probe into whether President Trump’s campaign conspired with Russia in 2016. One layer at a time, we’re learning how flawed and dirty that probe was.

A top layer involves the texts between FBI lawyer Lisa Page and her married lover, Peter Strzok, the lead agent on the Hillary Clinton e-mail probe. They casually mention an “insurance policy” in the event Trump won the election and a plan for Strzok to go easy on Clinton because she probably would be their next boss.

Those exchanges, seen in the light of subsequent events, lead to a reasonable conclusion that the fix was in among then-Director James Comey’s team to hurt Trump and help Clinton.

Another layer involves the declassified House memo, which indicates the FBI and Justice Department depended heavily on the unverified Russian dossier about Trump to get a warrant to spy on Carter Page, an American citizen and briefly a Trump adviser.



  1. They conspired to steal an election and used officials in the highest offices of the government to aid in that effort. ILLEGALLY using their power to secretly influence a PRESIDENTIAL election.
    Perry Mason's secretary could prosecute that case and win. Some of these criminals STILL HAVE THEIR JOB! Whaaat???
    Two Sets of Laws. In your face.
    They put other citizens (the serfs) in prison for 25-life for conspiracies of a lesser degree, and in light of what was at stake, EVERYTHING is of lesser degree.
    I can't believe the American people aren't DEMANDING some arrests and perp walks. They did their best to subvert the very core of our republican process and they still have dinner at home?? YOU and I would be trying to make bail.
    I'm wondering if they are afraid Hillary will have them killed and just don't want the problem. They got families.
    Hey. It's possible.

    Keep cheering.

  2. Hillary Full of Dirty Tricks !!! Endless !!


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