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Monday, January 08, 2018

Trump keeps his promise: Blacks and Hispanics do better with him than Obama

Democratic warnings that President Trump would make life worse for minorities were discredited once again Friday, with the release of new unemployment statistics for December. In just under one year in office, the president and the Republican Congress have helped minorities make dramatic gains.

Since taking the reins from President Obama, President Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress have embraced free-market and pro-liberty economic policies. Now – after a year of reducing regulations, approving a tax cut, and encouraging stricter standards for numerous welfare programs at the state level – the economy is thriving. Working-age minorities are benefitting in ways they have rarely, if ever, have enjoyed in the modern era.

The U.S. Labor Department reported Friday that the unemployment rate for African-Americans fell to 6.8 percent in December – the lowest rate since record-keeping began in 1972. That’s an astounding drop from the 8.3 percent black unemployment rate in October 2016, just before Donald Trump was elected president.

Supporters of President Obama might attempt to argue that these incredible economic achievements should be credited to him, not to President Trump. But that would be wishful thinking without a basis in fact.

The truth is that although the economy has been slowly improving for several years, the rate at which the economy has experienced gains increased rapidly once President Trump was elected. It doesn’t take a genius or a mathematician to understand why.

More here


  1. I noticed that.They are seriously kicking butt.

  2. *sigh* Can we just stick to the FACTS, all of the FACTS, not the cherry picked ones. The job numbers have shown huge gains over the past 9 years including minorities. They continue to show positive growth. So high five to all USA.

  3. @1:59, typical libtard....Job numbers have been growing over the past 9 years, at a snails pace. In the past year the numbers have grown faster than ever in the last 8 years.

  4. 90% of all statistics are made up. See what I did there? I'm not bashing any political party or supporting either political party. Anyone who has taken the time to analyze where employment numbers come from or how they are compiled will yawn every time the growth or decline is reported. Do your own research I urge you. No matter what administration is in office the numbers are not an actual representstion of true employment conditions in the country.


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