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Monday, January 08, 2018

CIA's Pompeo Says Russia and Others Trying to Undermine US Elections

CIA's Pompeo Says Russia and Others Trying to Undermine US ElectionsThe head of the Central Intelligence Agency said on Sunday that Russia and others are trying to undermine elections in the United States, the next major one being in November when Republicans will try to keep control of Congress.

U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to try to help President Donald Trump win, in part by hacking and releasing emails embarrassing to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and spreading social media propaganda.

CIA Director Mike Pompeo told CBS that the Russian interference is longstanding, and continues. Asked on "Face the Nation" if Moscow is currently trying to undermine U.S. elections, Pompeo responded: "Yes sir, have been for decades."

"Yes, I continue to be concerned, not only about the Russians, but about others' efforts as well," Pompeo said, without giving details..

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  1. The U.S. has been doing it to other nations for longer than just a few decades.

  2. The US last year was involved in "Fixing" 167 elections all over the world, talk about being a bunch of hypocrites!

  3. The ONLY thing new here is the DEMS and the DNC went along with the Russians...All international players try to disrupt including American and this has been going on for many years. duh...

  4. The only ones trying to fix the elections is the democrats

  5. This crook shows hes not at all concerned with what obama, clintons, fbi and doj were doing to interfere....dirtballs


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