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Monday, January 08, 2018

Tammy Bruce: Trump book proves liberals don't care about the truth

In 1998, Forbes magazine discovered that a writer at The New Republic had “fictionalized his reporting to improve upon reality.” Ultimately, Stephen Glass became forever known as a “Fabulist” for having made up scores of stories for a myriad of major magazines.

Shamed and fired, he retreated from the literary world. A few years later, Jayson Blair, a reporter at the New York Times, was fired when it was discovered he fabricated and plagiarized multiple stories. In the aftermath, the managing and executor editors at the Times resigned.

Both scandals rocked the news and journalism communities, yet what a difference 15 years and a threat to the political status quo make, as Michael Wolff becomes the new international darling of fabulist reportage with “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.”

The story is meant to be an exposé of a chaotic Trump White House, filled with whiney, gossipy aides who think the president dumb and churlish. Even Ivanka Trump is a turncoat, but a dumb one (of course). The books ends up as graffiti, paying homage to every fabulous fantasy of a cosmopolitan smart-set drowning in their fear and loathing of the president.

Rushed to publication after its target complained it was chock-full of falsehoods and untruths, we learn on page 10 of the prologue that … it’s chock-full of not the truth. Mr. Wolff admits in this note he’s not sure what’s true and what isn’t. He explains, being generous, that he’s leaving it to the reader to decide. He also confesses he, “settled on a version of events I believe to be true.”



  1. Wolff claims that Trump really did not want to win the election. If that were true then why would Trump risk everything by colluding with Russians? Seems to me that both stories are just BS.

  2. For a guy with nothing to hide (Trump) he sure does freak out over stuff like this. It isn't mere coincidence that the stories fit his personality to a tee.

    1. you DID NOT vote for President Trump so why comment?

  3. @2:48 I don't see President Trump freaking out over anything. Where do you get that from? Because he wants a book that was written and published in less than a year,full of lies and fairytales (on page 10 of the prologue Wolff himself admits he doesn't know what is true and what is not}. I'm sure if a book ws written about you and was nt true you would want it recalled also. BTW, the only person who profits from this is the author. S go ahead all you libtards buy it and make him rich.....morons!!!

  4. President Trump is not stupid, crazy, a traitor, or a liar. He is getting closer to the dirty truth about Obama and the Clintons, and they know it!!

  5. Democrats have no concept of truth.

  6. We know more about the corruption in the federal government because of Trump. If a liberal cannot at least agree and be happy about that then they are truly dangerous to this country. And about 99% of the liberals I know cannot agree. They prefer the corruption be the liberals - this is some scary stuff.


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