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Monday, January 08, 2018

Senator Oaks faces new federal charge of obstructing justice

State Sen. Nathaniel Oaks, already facing allegations of fraud and bribery, was charged Wednesday with obstruction of justice in a new federal indictment in which prosecutors say he reneged on a deal with the FBI.

Prosecutors say Oaks, a Baltimore Democrat, tipped off the target of another investigation that FBI agents had in their sights.

Oaks, 71, was charged in April with wire fraud in a scheme in which he allegedly took cash in exchange for using his previous office as a state delegate to influence a development project.

The U.S. attorney’s office added eight more counts in a superseding indictment two months later. They included three more wire fraud counts and five for violations of the Travel Act, which forbids the use of cellphones in criminal activity.

Oaks has pleaded not guilty to the nine previous charges.



  1. This guy is definitely one of the swamp creatures in need of some justice. It's far from his first go 'round with political corruption in Maryland. That he's still in politics is the puzzler.

  2. Federal judge dismisses charges against Cliven Bundy and 3 others. Yay.


  3. I think they are being a little racist with these accusations. Always picking on the black folks like Waters a the queen of Texas .

  4. This crap is everyday. When I was a young one in school we were taught to respect our government and held them with high esteem. Man, I thought anybody from local to federal were somebody to admire. I guess it was the same then, looking at history, but today I look at them as a bunch of crooks sucking off of our hard earned money. No wonder they are doing away with history.

  5. Another Baltimoron....

  6. Reminds me of something from the show "The Wire". State Senator "Clay Davis".

  7. Baltimore Democrat, that says it all.


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