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Monday, January 08, 2018

Distract, Distract, Distract

This is a difficult week of news to parse if you aren’t a full-blown conspiratard like me. Back in August Halsey English and I made waves with our theory that President Trump and Steve Bannon were working with Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange to roll up their Democrat opposition protecting Hillary Clinton from prosecution.

This week we see all of the dots finally connected and conveniently Michael Wolff’s book, “Fire and Fury” is leaked which casts shade on Trump and Bannon’s relationship. It has now boiled over into a very public feud.
To Distract, Perchance to Dream…

Part of me doesn’t believe a word of this and feels it’s all a distraction, if not a ploy by Trump, to attack Bannon just as he’s setting the trap for everyone involved in the phony Russia-gate story. It’s no secret that Bannon had little use for both Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner setting policy in the White House.



  1. I don't believe any of it. It's all smoke and mirrors. Taxes are good now insurance everything else is just background noise that I tune out. Trump, clinton, media, Hollywood are people I will NEVER meet and they DONT no I excist.... fix insurance. Thank you.

  2. The author admitted this morning that he did not speak to any cabinet member and talked to trump a total of 3 hours.


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