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Sunday, January 28, 2018

Salisbury Maryland Continues To Turn Into A Sh!thole: Dunkin Donuts Begging....

I wish I thought of it when I left DD this morning near the college. There is a man with his "please help sign". As I wait in line I watch someone give him the breakfast that they likely bought for themselves, he peeks in the bag (i assume looking for cash) then places it behind the bushes. When I was leaving I looked behind the bush, there were 4+ cups of coffee and who knows how many bags of food. I wish I took a picture to send in (didn't have my coffee, so not quick thinking). Maybe you have someone local to swing by to catch this punk. We work hard for our money, then try to be kind to those less fortunate. Then to see they don't even appreciate the food provided to them, because they are too busy making a living off of sitting on a curb.

Speaking of curb sitting, for the entire winter on the back corner of Walgreens, is this family with a young son maybe 8 to 10 years old. Every afternoon they are there when I ride by (it's my post office run from work). First of all, this kid should probably be in school. And does a kid that young have any business being outside on a curb in this weather. I know he uses that kid for "advertisement" so he can get more money for who knows what.


  1. Very christian of you

    1. Why? Because they are upset that people are trying to do a good thing and they are being taken advantage of? How very hypocritical of you.

  2. Don't bother asking the Boy Mayor about it. He's off in the Caribbean this weekend for Joey Gilkerson's destination wedding.

  3. Stopping giving them anything. The real homeless know where the food and shelters are.

  4. Speaking of begging, who caught WBOC's coverage of the Harcum family farm going belly-up. It appears that they are asking for money because 'schoolchildren' have visited there in the past.

  5. I see many fake "Homeless" look at their $150. shoes, clean shaved face, clean hands, decent haircut, clean clothing.

  6. Yes - there are services available to them. Food clothing shelter. I do not give cash to beggars anymore. Tell me what you need and I will buy it for you - ask for cash and we are done talking.

  7. Here is how I see it. If God puts it in your heart to give to these people, you have done your duty to God and man. What that person does with what you give them is between him/her and God, that part is none of your business.

    1. Disagree. If I'm going to give I would like for it to do some good not to be taken advantage of. I work hard for what I have.

    2. Disagree. You don't have to know what he/she gonna do with it ....let the rest in God hands.

  8. They do that becasue they know people lie you, who are complaining, wouldn't give them jack shit if you already saw a cup in his hand... Maybe try not to demonize people who are down on their luck???? This is the tactics homeless have to do becasue people like you don't give a shit about anyone but your own damn self... Not everyone is like that one guy who was begging but drove a BMW... Some people are down on their luck and actually need help, and with he weather as cold as it has been, rightfully so... Who knows maybe one day you will be in that position and need help to and we should demonize you and laugh at you and talk shit about you and say you don't need help, help yourself, go get a job and any of those other typical bullshit statement you people make to justify you being a bad person, snubbing your nose at the less fortunate... Not everyone wants to get drugs, or abuse asking for money, but guess what, it is better to ask for help than to rob someone, hurt someone or break into stores to steal from people... But it seems people like this moron who wrote this post, wants the homeless to break into places and steal to survive, for what? so he can bitch and complain about that to???

    And another problem is, how you assume he is looking for money when anyone would look into a bag of food handed to them, I sure as hell would... You people need to get the f over yourselves and stop thinking you are better than anyone else becasue your not, and I can't f'ing wait for you to be in that same position, sitting there in the cold, hungry, thirsty so I can walk by and tell you to get a damn job you good for nothing... And I hope it makes you feel like complete and udder shit too!!!!!!

    My question is, would you say the same bull shit to a vet??? Who fought and lost all for you to have the right to be an ass to people in need???? and if you wouldn't then why would you to a normal person who lost all they have????? Because your a self centered piece of shit your own self that's what...

    1. 11:03 Not Exactly sure what triggered that rant you just went on (bad day?) No one likes to be taken advantage of. That's all the poster is trying to say. No one is stopping you from giving your life savings to those begging. It's your choice. But you don't have the right to tell someone who to give their money to. Hypocrite.

    2. I think you really. Red to get over yourself. I've been humbled and knocked on my ass as well but you k ow what after I get done throwing a pity party I get myself up and get back up. I try to show compassion to others as well because I DO know it could easily be me. But here's when I stopped trying to help, I offered to take a gentleman inside the restaurant he was pan handling in front of and he refused asked for rge money instead. Second I saw a young lady being dropped off all over town by boyfriend/husband pulling up in a 25,000-30,000 vehicle. Third Walmart in fruitland same scenario young man parked his 35,000 four wheel drive pickup over at Denny's walked over to Walmart intersection begging for money only. Its time for all the ADDICTS and ALCOHOLICS to admit their problems and get some help them maybe the ones that truly need help won't be stereotyped

    3. Holy keyboard roid rage Batman!

  9. 11:03 AM stupid rant and not at all the point of the article. But thanks for sharing.

  10. I was standing behind the "couple" who panhandle in line at a Shore Stop. He had a roll of 5's as big as my fist and she was carrying the 24 pack of Bud Lite.

    They want cash. They can't buy heroin with coffee and donuts.

  11. 11:00 AM Drinking that religious koolaide again james? Its my business not to get conned or be a sucker. Its my business to learn from experience. So it is my business to evaluate the situation - and if my gifts are discarded or not appreciated then it is my business to know this so in the future I wont be taken advantage of. And its my business to advise others of such thieves.

  12. 11:03 you are out of line with your comments, the homeless are provided with shelters, food, and clothing and instead of standing on the street corners all day they should be looking for work. I am sick and tired of seeing these lazy people all over town who are willing to stand outside in the cold all day begging for money instead of looking for a job. They work these corners like a regular job and when quitting time comes for them they leave. Jake Day needs to clean up the image of Salisbury, I have lived her all my life and never have I ever seen Salisbury this out of control nor have we ever had lazy people hanging out on the street corners begging like we do now. This has nothing to do with being down on your luck because anyone who is truly down on their luck has a sense of pride and would not be found all day on the street corner begging.

  13. @11:03....nice rant...I'm sure you donate your time and effort to a charitable cause on a regular basis. When was the last time you helped out the less fortunate? I'm sure your response is going to be you do it everyday or something to that effect.

    Give me a fish and I'll eat for a day, teach me to fish and I'll eat forever.

  14. 11:03- Rather liberal with the question marks there, pal. Are we to assume your voice just keeps getting higher after every ignorant question on your post? One question mark is really all you need, some would even excuse two.

    Secondly, could you curse anymore? You failed in making any point when you have to curse everyone you're ranting at more than several times in one statement. You ever have an actual conversation with a person?

    Finally, you decided to leave out the key details the author left that would make it understood that this was not a vet or anyone that needed actual help, but just someone who is making easy money off of perceived pity.

    You should ask CNN for a job. Leaving out the key details of the post so you are excused for your insane ramblings. I am not a Spelling Nazi, but good grief that is some horrible writing!

  15. I work at a local grocery store. These same ppl holding signs come in and use theyre independant cards. They also use the cash side to get money for cigs and beer.so that shows that have a plce to live and get other state benifits. U have to have res adress to get any help. So forgive me for saying. A couple of them eat better food than i do, and i work hard. And yes this is true i have waited on them personally. And they have large monthly amounts on that foodcard.

  16. Those who think that Salisbury is a shithole haven't visited any of the real shitholes in the world.

    1. Salisbury IS a shithole looking at what's transpired over the last 30 years. It's turned onto just what the so called leaders wanted, a mini metropolitan area. Just wait to see what changes come within the next ten years. Hell you're not even safe out in the rural parts of the county. Drug addicts and illegals ransack any and everything and steal whatever they can

  17. Blogger James Maynard said...
    Here is how I see it. If God puts it in your heart to give to these people, you have done your duty to God and man. What that person does with what you give them is between him/her and God, that part is none of your business.

    January 26, 2018 at 11:00 AM

    My thinking too. I routinely gave some people a couple of bucks. I figured what they did with it was between them and God but I did what He tells us to do.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Those who think that Salisbury is a shithole haven't visited any of the real shitholes in the world.

    January 26, 2018 at 12:03 PM

    There are all different types of shitholes and smallsbury is just one of them. I have been to places where our poor would be considered middle class there.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Speaking of begging, who caught WBOC's coverage of the Harcum family farm going belly-up. It appears that they are asking for money because 'schoolchildren' have visited there in the past.

    January 26, 2018 at 10:54 AM

    What's your point? Either donate or don't. Why do you have to be condescending?

    1. That was as tasteless as it gets right there. I've seen a 70,000 SUV running the roads with a vanity plate sporting that name and about 500,000 worth of equipment sitting down the road for several months. Let's not even talk about all the government grants and tax credits given and you have the nerve to beg for 600,000 from the community because fourth graders took a field trip and saw a few cows. Sounds like to me old Trey knew what he was talking about when he wanted to move into the present century and convert to some of the billion dollar cannabis market. You reap what you sew stop whining

    2. Um, first off, get your facts and families straight. The “vanity plates” are on a different sect of the Harcum family. Secondly, that specific SUV costs $90k, not 70. That part of the family has nothing to do with the dairy farm. But, good try at attempting to stir crap. At least they can say they earned their money. They didn’t steal it from Medicare fraud and abuse and they didn’t run insurance scams to get paid. Keep on hating.

    3. Right on 8:41. They also didn’t have daddy build them a business and then turn it over to them!!!

  18. 11:03, you should take the whole pill. Stop breaking them in half, use as prescribed. Many of these people can go to government entitlements and live better than you and I. If you pay taxes, you are already feeding them. If you wish to give more, go ahead. Some of us can't afford it, we have our own to feed. I know farmers that have asked them to hop in the truck and they can earn money. That same employer(s) had no takers. So stop and think about it when trying to cut back on the meds. It's not working for you.

  19. He's on the wrong curb. There are plenty of Mexicans cruising Home Depot and Lowes that are more than willing to work for whatever you are willing to give them and they have skills. Hate immigrants as you may but you seldom see them begging. The only day they have off I see them toting huge bags of clothes to the laundromat on there backs I see them in the barber shop. They are clean industrious family oriented people just trying to get a step up. Unlike some of the generations old lazy white trash we have around here that think they are entitled just because they have been here and done nothing with their lives since their indentured ancestors begged borrowed stole bred and gotten no where.

    1. I agree with most of your points... honestly the Republicans should start to embrace hispanics more. They are VERY conservative, usually dont have bowelbonkers, and laugh at transgenders and liberals for the idiots they are. You included lazy whites, which there are for sure, but please dont be racist and leave out our african americans friends as well (lol).

  20. "Anonymous said...

    Very christian of you

    January 26, 2018 at 10:48 AM"

    Yes it is very Christian to point this out. That is the problem with you fake Christians-you think by giving this man food you are building your OWN stairway to Heaven. Let me educate you since whatever "church" you go to is a fake. The Bible says you don't work you do not eat. Yeah it's so easy for you fake Christians to hand over food but the reality is you are committing a sin. You are enabling this man to continue being a menace. God hates when people enable people. The Christian thing to do would be to either pray for and with him and then offer him to do a job in exchange for something. If you know it's something bad for his health he would go and buy with any money then the Christian thing to do is to not give him any money. Also if you were a REAL Christian and not a fake you would know you always capitalize the C in Christian! Now instead of posting nonsense on a blog go and read the Bible and learn something!

  21. Sorry 11:59, you’re wrong. You do not have to have a residential address in order to get benefits.

  22. The whole Christian thing should never even been dragged into this. Their the worst ones about begging and playing in peoples despair. The Christian television network is full of nothing but con artists and CD and book salesman. Pretty good gig if you can prey on peoples downfalls build up a 500-600 member church and tell them god requires 10% of tour income right off the top. Talk about extortion. Then the locals begging elderly member to cash out life insurance policies to help build their "mega church" out on 50. Or Jake day's narcissistic twin out there in Hebron. Today's society is full of beggars either way you look at ut

  23. HALO is right down the street from Walgreens. They offer hot food, shelter for women and children and for men. There is no need to beg on a corner. Get a job.

  24. "I know he uses that kid for "advertisement" so he can get more money for who knows what."

    He is probably violating that kid sexually as well. Sh!t happens.

  25. James Maynard has it right.

    Thank you!

  26. Give me a fish and I'll eat for a day, teach me to fish and I'll eat forever.

    January 26, 2018 at 11:33 AM

    IF you have the money to buy a fishing license.

  27. No there comes a point when people have to say no and stop being taken for granted. Those that actually have dealings with this group will tell you if you want to give money give money to the shelters and food pantries that these very same people are given necessary help. This pan handling thing that is so prevelant in Salisbury is nothing but heroin, crack and alcohol. You not helping them by giving them money you're merely enabling

  28. Boy referring back to post about harcum farm debacle nothing days "family" like that part of the Harcum family doesn't gave anything to do with the dairy farm. And you should've been more discreet about being dumb enough to spend 90,000 for an overpriced suburban. Wow sounds like someone us full of themselves and embarrassed by all the "family" turmoil lately. Funny what money does to people

  29. I just did a google search for "beggars in Jesus' time". I would encourage all of you to do the same for guidance on this issue. What I found, among other things, was that the poor were taken care of by Moses law in Old Testament times and there were not many beggars. In New Testament times there were more beggars.

    There was a reference to the Golden Rule, treating others as you would want to be treated. Also, a reference to the Prodigal Son. No one gave to him so he returned to his father.

    There is something to be said on both sides of this equation. Begging should be restricted to the truly needy and not the "sluggard". The church should help the poor that are a part of that church. And to the one who mentioned "those that do not work should not eat", Paul was referring to any BELIEVER that would not work should not eat.

    Also, the family should take care of their own. Unlike the prodigal son, many prodigal souls in the world today are being kept up in their sin and kept from the pig pen by well-meaning parents, churches, charities and government programs.

    So I think there is no one size fits all approach to this. Do what you feel the Lord would want you to, whether that is giving "alms" or "tough love" in not giving alms so they may return to the Lord and their family, or whatever the case may be.

    If done correctly, neither would violate the Golden Rule. At least that is my take on it. Peace and good luck.

  30. Have to agree with the point you're trying to make in the last two posts the family should be trying to take care of their own. What difference does it make which family member is losing their farm? At one point um sure it ALL was a family farm as ONE, UNITED. And for the clown bragging about paying 90,000 for a suburban, that speaks for itself. I'm only assuming you must be the past of the Harcum "royalty" that's transporting treated human waste and spreading it all over the fields up and down the eastern shore. I'm sure we'll all be thanking you for that when we start experiencing the side effects. But as you stated you're able to ride around in a 90,000 suburban while your family is going under and you poison the rest of us

  31. 8:17 AM there are also passages about calling out those who sin.

    Let google be your guide to pick and choose your verses to suit your argument instead of actually letting the bible properly guide you..

  32. 8:17 Google? Really?

  33. What's wrong with using Google? I can find what I want quickly and it will be accurate, not an option. It STILL comes from the Bible so what's your problem? The only verses I am picking and choosing are the ones relevant to this discussion. I know there verses that tell us to"call out" those that sin. It's called judging and contrary to what a lot of people think we ARE to judge others, in the correct way. Which seems is what a couple of you have done to me but not correctly. And, if the Bible is to guide anyone, they first have to read it. Searching the Bible with Google, or anything else, what happens? The Bible gets read. Imagine that. My methods don't suit you? Sorry, not sorry. In my opinion sone of you are hypocrites and have displayed it for all to see so I don't think I need to point it out any further. I would suggest you get your own house in order.

  34. That kid outside Walgreens with his "family" not homeless. They claim they live in a tent. They live under subsidized housing. The father uses the money for cocaine. But according to the police its legal to have a 10 year old stand on a busy street corner begging for money. Don't bother to call child protective services either. Even after dozens of calls I was told it's not considered neglect. I don't understand how putting a young child outside in the cold without a coat on and forcing him to ask for money doesn't classify as neglect. They'll wait until it's so bad they don't have a choice but to intervene. I don't get what it will take to get that child taken away. Soon he'll be involved in the parents drug deals too.


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